Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [noun] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 When the rules take full effect at the end of 1992 , banks will have to back every commercial loan with capital equal to 8% of the loan 's value ; half of that must be share capital or disclosed reserves ( ‘ core ’ capital ) .
2 In the end , of course , we had to compromise , and decided on the following priorities : the Puffin Picture Book Spinner must be produced in quantities realistic for the UK trade , it must look bright and cheery , it must last , it must be user friendly and capable of categorising titles by various methods .
3 They have been careful to note that ‘ the analytical starting point must be labour market and economic restructuring ’ ( Forrest and Murie , 1986 : 49 ) , a position which is not shared by neo-Weberian theorists of consumption cleavages such as Saunders ( 1982 , 1986 ) .
4 Well we 'll get carbon dioxide off , so you might be iridium carbonate or ytterbium , we 've got a powder which may be ytterbium car carbonate or ytterbium sulphate and you never heard of this stuff , ah carbonate carbonate and maybe , maybe ytterbium carbonate does n't give off carbon dioxide with acid , but there is a very good chance it does cos all the others you 've ever heard about do .
5 A more accurate description might be desktop composition or desktop page layout — but these do n't have quite the same ring to them .
6 It might be Aubern Cottage but but the one round the corner the newer one , not the stone one
7 However , Brenda 's turn is so constructed that it starts in London English with a statement about what happened , and switches to Creole at " cause " ( which could be London English or Creole ) — precisely the point where she begins her explanation of why she acted in this way .
8 So you 'd you 'd that could be Christmas day or new year 's day which would n't be part of any month .
9 The result could be world recession and a worsening of the international debt crisis .
10 Schoolchildren may be maypole dancing or in the procession in fancy dress , local groups and societies enter floats , others may be involved in the fund-raising events that take place throughout the year or senior citizens may be invited to the ‘ old folks tea and treat ’ ( which takes place on the Monday ) , organised by the maypole committee and an important part of the May weekend .
11 The size of commercially produced models for nurse education may be life size or greater .
12 Now this phrase strictly controlled erm I I I wanted to ask it myself because I you know trying to push it through to what it actually means I think the county council if you like has taken it at what may be face value and said well strictly controlled must mean something .
13 Nenna had no more than an animal 's sense of direction and distance , but it seemed to her that the right thing to do would be to try to reach the City , then , once she got to Blackfriars , she knew where the river was , and though that would be Lambeth Reach or King 's Reach , a long way downstream of the boats , still , once she had got to the river she would be on the way home .
14 Yeltsin announced at the meeting in Minsk on Dec. 30 that the first channel of Central Television would be given over to the Commonwealth , the second would be Russian , the third would be Moscow Television and the fourth would be an educational channel .
15 This difference is crosscut by one of the major questions addressed by Bourdieu in his earlier work ( 1977 ) but largely ignored in Distinction , which is the balance between objectivist approaches such as those found in archaeology , and subjectivist approaches , the most extreme of which would be design history or the study of Chicago homes .
16 And these sort of jobs would be repair work or construction work ?
17 Tomorrow or the next day , it will be curry soup and lasagne , that 's for Nona . ’
18 As in the original study , the main source will be small-areas census and other data , with measures of inequality calculated from these indicators .
19 The cuts are despite what it says will be record turnover and unit shipments for the third quarter just ended , and operating profits for the quarter ‘ comfortably above ’ 1992 third quarter levels .
20 Colours : Shorts will be white/lazer turquoise and black/lazer pink not as shown .
21 The guest speaker will be Darlington MP and Schools Minister Michael Fallon .
22 The theme will be tranquilliser addiction and the many problems experienced by those affected and those recovering from this addiction .
23 Optimal treatment of attacks can be life saving but suboptimal treatment or unnecessary delay in the provision of care can be fatal .
24 TIPSS can be life saving and is effective in controlling variceal haemorrhage and rebleeding from oesophageal or gastric varices and portal hypertensive gastropathy .
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