Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Vice-chairman Geoffrey White said that the showmen 's vans on the western end of the site should be cleared by April next year .
2 I will fax confirmed orders to you once I have arranged signature here — this should be cleared by Wednesday afternoon .
3 As for the criteria for granting postgraduate awards , postgraduate study and research are academically demanding and candidates should be selected by competition to ensure that the resources available are used as effectively as possible .
4 The UK government , which currently levied a standard 17.5 per cent VAT rate , maintained that " taxation should be determined by national parliaments " and that the rate between EC countries should be regulated by market forces .
5 Despite engaging in extended negotiations lasting two years , Henry 's representatives failed to persuade the pope that the case should be heard by Wolsey in England , with no right of appeal to Rome against the verdict .
6 I think that very often where Bentham and Beccaria differ in detail this is traceable to Beccaria 's conviction that what may be done in the name of utility should be limited by consideration of what befits the dignity of man .
7 There are other ways people have tried to protect the minority , one is by saying that the , that you can generate a certain set of rights from within the democratic procedure in a different way , that is if democracies flourish people need certain liberties , people need to express their own opinions , people need to be able to do what erm assemble where they need to and so on but more common is the view that democracy should be limited by constitutional would present the minority and this is a view that Mill does n't really defend in representative government although it seems to be very close to his view and on liberty , that is we limit the spear that this government has control over so we ca n't , so in this view erm democracy is given a very limited role .
8 Worm holes are another blemish which should be noted by cataloguers , even though their presence will not normally be taken as a good reason for returning a book .
9 Section 42 Moorland Conservation Orders should be granted by Ministers on the areas of moor and heath mapped by NPAs under Section 43 and which are , in their opinion , important to conserve , so that NPAs are informed of all proposals likely to alter their character , including non-grant aidable schemes such as clearances of existing drainage channels , burning and changes in livestock numbers .
10 Section 42 ( of the Wildlife and Countryside Act , 1981 ) Moorland Conservation Orders should be granted by Ministers on the areas of moor and heath mapped by NPAs under Section 43 of that Act and which are , in the opinion of the NPA , important to conserve .
11 Board members also agreed that an environmental action programme and a charter for the environment should be prepared by June .
12 All work should be completed by February 1993 .
13 The installation of a new fire detection and alarm system is underway , and should be completed by July 1991 .
14 After personal educational objectives have been set for each doctor the educational process should be completed by assessment of whether these objectives have been fulfilled .
15 Andrew Wilson 's privately owned ‘ Crab ’ — whose year-long restoration should be completed by December — is still ‘ line-less ’ at the time of going to press .
16 Some grant funding has been successfully arranged and the building should be completed by March , 1993 .
17 On July 19 the Defence Minister , Gen. Veljko Kadijevic , proposed on behalf of the JNA that the Presidency should open talks immediately on the future of Yugoslavia and that they should be completed by Aug. 15 .
18 The should be completed by November .
19 Both parties have agreed the deal in principle , and it should be completed by autumn , subject to the necessary approvals .
20 Three National Certificate modules in geology are being developed and should be completed by June 1992 .
21 According to the constitution , Mr Havel should be elected by December 24 — within two weeks of the resignation of President Husak .
22 When Mammon leads the blind into decisions that are governed by ignorance , vanity , nepotism and even political discretion , no artist submitting work for any prize should be cast down by failure ; no artist with any self respect should be elated by success .
23 FRS 3 , Reporting Financial Performance , issued last October , should be adopted by companies as soon as possible , and regarded as standard for financial statements relating to reporting periods ending on or after 22 June 1993 .
24 Recruitment to any organisation must be an ongoing process , however it was thought that a concerted effort should be made by CPRW in 1992 to significantly increase membership .
25 Recruitment to any organisation must be an ongoing process , however it was thought that a concerted effort should be made by CPRW in 1992 to significantly increase membership .
26 The verbatim records have survived almost intact and enable the sequence of offers and counteroffers that should be made by bargainers behaving optimally according to the rules .
27 A SWITCH to more floodlit matches should be made by Sealink Welsh Alliance clubs next season , according to two of the league 's chief officers .
28 For the purposes of paragraphs 28 and 29 the maturity of debt should be determined by reference to the earliest date on which the lender can demand repayment .
29 The landlords said that the rate should be determined by reference to the published tariff .
30 The common view was that the futures of severely handicapped babies should be determined by parents and doctors , and not subject to legal intervention .
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