Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [verb] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Female kids can start to cycle at a very early age , even three to four months , and as breeding is not advised until they reach 70% of adult weight , they should be separated from males at two to three months old .
2 Of the total annual income this figure should be separated from money which comes through legacies and other sources of income such as the hire of the hall and investments .
3 I am worried about one of the Lindop committee 's central recommendations — that , with the recording of any information on computers , fact should be separated from supposition or intelligent guesswork .
4 Facts should be separated from fantasy and feelings explored .
5 Swain and Wohl ( 1961 ) argue that the man-machine concept is oversimplified , it should be man-machine procedures allocation and also that prime equipment should be separated from check-out equipment ( Fig. 1 .
6 Specialist advice should be sought from Servicemaster , Carpetland , etc , before authorising replacement .
7 In practice , some further explanation of the meaning of this clause should be sought from Overdrive .
8 Backgrounds should be drawn or painted inextricably knit with the model , and pictures should be made from studies , not from imaginary sketches .
9 Comfrey should be grown from divisions taken in spring or autumn or from pieces of root with a bud attached .
10 To maintain the continuity of movement on the screen from shot to shot , the girl 's walk along the path should be recorded from camera positions which are all within the ‘ 180 degree zone ’ on the same side of the path , eg at A and B. If shot 2 is taken from C , the audience becomes confused as the girl appears to have reversed her direction compared with shot 1 .
11 Covalent graphite compounds ( eg graphite fluoride and graphite oxide ) should be distinguished from graphite intercalation compounds in which layers of the intercalated substance are inserted between planar carbon sheets of the graphite structure with concomitant charge transfer .
12 Certification under construction contracts should be distinguished from expert determination .
13 Terms implied to make sense of a contract should be distinguished from terms implied by statute : for examples of terms implied by statute see 14.7.3 and 14.7.5 .
14 Eight machines per year should be upgraded from April 1993 onwards .
15 Every able-bodied man in Uig signed a petition asking that the parish should be disjoined from Lewis and added to Harris so that they could continue to benefit from the employment Lord Leverhulme offered .
16 Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will look at the Official Report tomorrow and tell me where I said that information should be hidden from parents .
17 However , the review should be conducted from revenue expectation through to costs and not vice versa .
18 ‘ Darlington 's colleges should be run from Darlington and not from Whitehall . ’
19 So is a very brave Jane Hollis who really should be covered from head to foot to cope ; with even Lossiemouth 's best day !
20 It is extremely odd that the Labour party should propose that women should be barred from jobs because of their husband 's position in public life .
21 Climbers " should be barred from Himalayas "
22 It also demonstrates that they have their root cause in godlessness ; so we should pray for our country , not that we should be saved from recession , but that we should turn back to God .
23 Centred on one Sir Colenso Rigeon , a caricature of Wright , it concerned the decision as to which of the two men should be saved from death — a sixpenny doctor ( ’ an honest decent man , but is he any use ? ’ ) or a scoundrel of an artist ( ’ a rotten background , but he 's a genuine source of pretty and pleasant and good things ’ ) .
24 Defendants should be prohibited from cross-examining the child .
25 There are , however , other important reasons why your dietary fibre should be obtained from fruit and vegetables as well as cereals .
26 It is particularly important that serum should be obtained from blood in which the fibrin clot has formed in plasma rather than whole blood .
27 Car mileage should be increased from 24.5p to 25p for return journeys of up to 100 miles , or any other amount that the Finance Act should decide .
28 Following discussion of the new legislation on Health and Safety of workstations , it was agreed that £5,000 should be transferred from Computing Budget to Estates specifically for the purchase of chairs , screen filters , footrests and document holders to meet EC Regulations .
29 Economic development , housing , health , social services , roads and public transport , education and planning are functions which should be devolved from Whitehall and brought nearer the people they most affect .
30 BRITISH troops should be withdrawn from Bosnia by November and replaced by other United Nations forces , the Defence Secretary , Malcolm Rifkind , indicated yesterday .
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