Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ aim should be to use them for purposes compatible with the Green Belt as set out in Circular 14/84 which can include institutional uses ’ .
2 If you do not know what documents you have and how they relate to one another , your priority should be to put them in order rather than to transfer them to an electronic system .
3 I vaguely remember dreaming about Verity 's jeans that night ; how graphically , geographically tight they were and how wonderful it must be to take them off her .
4 The more we keep them down , the less of them there 'll be to get themselves into trouble . ’
5 The best solution may be to leave them with the society .
6 If your debtor has money and no legitimate excuse for not paying what he owes you , the only solution may be to take him to court .
7 In an age when a symphony orchestra can appear in uniforms designed to advertise tobacco industry sponsors , conflating music and cigarettes into a single narcotic ( Guardian , 26 March 1984 : 13 ) ; when in Japan the record companies and the large industrial corporations co-operate to produce ‘ image-songs ’ which both advertise the corporations and play an important role in the hit parade ; ’ when a small selection of endlessly per mutated pop songs provides the background for almost every social activity ; when rhythm tracks on disco records can be behaviouristic ally planned and electronically produced , for maximum precision and control : one can not , at this time , avoid the feeling that if Orwell 's ‘ 1984 ’ ever arrives , it might well consist of a continuous Eurovision Song Contest ; that the ideal of the music industry would be to turn everything into muzak ( Philip Tagg 's entertaining account of the way muzak is used to ‘ programme ’ a Swedish office worker 's day gives an idea of what this would be like ( Tags 1984 ) ) .
8 The longer they had in order to establish this bit of coast as an aristocratic retreat , the easier it would be to turn it into a fashionable resort when time and money offered .
9 This time it would be to stop herself from freezing , or starving , to death .
10 However , a more practical way of looking at D dorian would be to compare it to D major .
11 The best precaution would be to deposit them with the bank .
12 Perhaps the only way of getting a picture would be to take one in a bird sanctuary .
13 But not so ( we are told ) : Conservative advocates of tariffs and social reforms like old age pensions , wages councils , regulation of sweated trades were , Fforde argues , simply engaged in ‘ principled opportunism ’ ; this was ‘ not Collectivist Conservatism but expedient Conservatism ’ , and to see it as otherwise would be to allow oneself to be ‘ misled by manufactured appearances ' or what Fforde describes elsewhere as the gap between ‘ professed stance and true intention ’ .
14 I think the best thing there would be to leave it for a week ,
15 I wondered how easy it would be to hang yourself with your shoelaces .
16 All you would have to do would be to lead them to the smugglers ' rendezvous and supervise the action . ’
17 Perhaps the thing to do would be to translate it into French and back again .
18 His primary task in the short term would be to mobilize it for the regional elections in March .
19 Yes , I mean you could put it in the minutes , but also it would be quick at the next meeting of this sub-committee is after the election , it 'll be some time in June , so a quick way of dealing with it would be to put it in the bulletin , yes , but also , but I 'll put it in the minutes , as well .
20 Perhaps er er another way of looking at this would be to see it in terms of rightist deviations and leftist deviations and one might see erm the er the moderate policies er of thirty seven to forty nine i in a sense as being erm a rightist deviation , one might see forty six forty seven as being leftist deviations and the left is seeking to overcome rightist deviations , the right seeking to overcome leftist deviations and you 've got some kind of oscillation between the two .
21 The best thing for this chap would be to caution him for this offence .
22 The best method would be to attach it to cardboard or hardboard .
23 Thus the government rejected the argument that the best way to improve the long-run viability of the industry would be to restructure it by merging the two leading manufacturers .
24 To crush strikes and abandon political reform would be to throw himself into the arms of those groups wedded not just to authoritarian politics but to neo-Stalinist economic institutions and principles .
25 She wanted to watch him and then say something to find out how hard it would be to retrieve him from such self-preservation .
26 now if we 've got a tap handy probably the best thing would be to run it under the cold tap and that hopefully would take away any dirt and extra bits and pieces that are stuck around it .
27 The first step to developing a Christian philosophy of finance would be to commit ourselves to developing the character of Christ in our own lives and helping others do the same .
28 David looked down at her as she lay against the white pillows , pale and thinner than ever , and thought how much easier it would be to keep himself in check if her husband treated her with the gentleness she deserved .
29 ‘ What fun it would be to send it to that silly old Boldwood ! ’ laughed Liddy .
30 My aim would be to fit myself into the game unobtrusively …
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