Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Certainly English youth should be trained up in the industry , especially in the battery work .
2 By the time we get there it should should be warmed up in April .
3 Otherwise the plants should be split up in the Spring .
4 When someone has been asked to make over on death whatever remains of an inheritance , and from the price of objects sold buys other objects , he is not regarded as having diminished [ the estate ] in respect of the objects sold … but the objects thus bought should be made over in place of the ownership which has changed … .
5 The latter should be made up in plain fabrics or those with a small overall design .
6 The first thing to note is that a chase should be built up in exactly the way you built up the whole of your book .
7 2 The Tenders list is held at reception and all tenders which arrive should be ticked off in pencil on the list at reception .
8 The foliage of the pulmonaria should be cut back in winter to allow its new flowers to come through unconcealed in spring .
9 Hocevar expressed gratitude for the British action in preventing Croats entering Austria , and stated that it was Yugoslav policy that " Croats should be bottled up in the pass leading to Austria and later disarmed " .
10 Rita Quick expressed disappointment at the lack of publicity given to Potential Teachers ' Day — an apology was given on behalf of the editors but it was once again pointed out that items for inclusion should be sent in in writing .
11 The researcher could not draw any generally valid or reliable conclusions from such discussions , but they should provide useful guidelines as to what areas should be followed up in the main enquiry .
12 An oral quote given over the telephone or at a personal meeting should be followed up in writing .
13 The rhizomes should be dug up in autumn and dried immediately , but the full violet fragrance will not be apparent until the roots are two years old .
14 The rape should be grazed off in September and October ( before the ground becomes too wet ) and then the crop rested until the spring .
15 It may be that the student does not feel competent to discuss the various distinctions , but even so the existence of the possible distinctions should be pointed out in the answer .
16 This should be pointed out in the market counterparty notice .
17 As a starting place for research , secondary data can pinpoint areas where investigation should be carried out in further depth , and so can help to provide the direction and focus area for further research .
18 As a starting place for research , secondary data can pinpoint areas where investigation should be carried out in further depth , and so can help to provide the direction and focus area for further research .
19 Vibration tests on a suitable vibrator for a period of some hours should be carried out in appropriate instances .
20 The work , which should be carried out in stages , included an opening from St James 's Park to Charing Cross , a railway from Westminster to the City of London , and three large blocks of offices .
21 If an individual 's conduct is thought to justify it , dismissal could be without notice , but generally it should be carried out in accordance with the notice set out in a member of staff 's contract of employment .
22 He maintained that treatment should be carried out in the gentlest possible way available and that it should be both speedy and lasting .
23 A review of compliance should be carried out in two years ' time .
24 The truth is that aircraft accident investigation should be carried out in a completely impartial and objective manner .
25 For these , staining should be carried out in PTA ( Section 4.1 ) .
26 Look at the amount of resistance stirred up when it was first suggested that operations should be carried out in aseptic conditions .
27 All these operations should be carried out in a fume cupboard as the vapours are harmful , and surgical gloves should be used to protect the hands from the dye .
28 All operations involving HF should be carried out in a fume cupboard , and the operator protected with gloves and goggles .
29 However , does the Minister accept that it is absolutely vital that disposal of such waste should be carried out in the safest possible way ?
30 Our work should be carried out in accordance with the general technical standards set out in the Corporate Finance Manual and summarized in Chapter 02 of this guide .
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