Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] me [art] " in BNC.

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1 It does not follow that he could not say , ‘ You must now pay me the arrears of rent for the past year . ’
2 ‘ So if you 'll just give me a signature on this … ’
3 ‘ If you 'll just give me a chance , I 'll explain what I was doing .
4 He said if there 's one thing I always carry quite close to my heart and if you 'll just give me a minute I 'll take out .
5 Mike in the audience and he 'll probably give me a rollicking afterwards , cos I have n't prepared anything about this and I suspect I wo n't be able to speak till the red light .
6 The last show of the tour was in Atlanta and I decided to give a little party for the singers and musicians and the crew and I tried to rent a banquet room at the hotel , but because it was Thanksgiving Weekend , they said they could only give me a suite .
7 And I 'm glad enough to have you back , since you could not give me the grandson I hoped for — ’
8 He 'd just give me a look , the way the French do and eventually when I was thoroughly humiliated , he would repeat it properly .
9 Perhaps you 'd just tell me the details , and I 'll make one or two notes .
10 I mean , why did n't she tell me the truth , I can understand you know , I could , you know , I could perha if she 'd just tell me the truth you know tell me why she 's u , what she 's up to and that .
11 I wonder if you could possibly give me the address of the ‘ Dogs for the Disabled ’ charity , as I would like to send a donation but do n't know where to send it .
12 Do you think you could possibly find me a small drink ? "
13 CAN YOU put me in touch with someone who could possibly get me a window wiper arm for a 1985 Fiat Strada 1300 ?
14 ‘ I 'd wait by the commentary-box and he 'd always offer me a glass of wine , though I hardly ever touched the stuff .
15 ‘ Too bad you could n't make me a mother . ’
16 ‘ I 've been an Overseas ’ Corporation Executive for the last ten years and I 've always been told that the reason the Corporation could n't pay me the salary it paid to Americans doing similar work was because my salary had to be related to British salary scales . ’
17 You could n't give me a few more equations just
18 It was the part of Sabbo in Rope ; mind you , I had been offered two leading roles at other reps that could n't give me the vital Equity card — so Sabbo it was .
19 He could n't tell me a price .
20 To anyone who was claiming unemployment benefit or social security , which I do n't , I would imply that I 'd registered as ‘ outdoor clerical ’ or similar , and was n't it a disgrace they could n't find me a job ?
21 Current medical technology could never make me a man in full fact , but I could have what was available .
22 It may well give me a reason to break the law when encountering the secret police , when coming up against censorship , or when confronting other forms of injustice or repression .
23 If the government would only give me a small piece of land for my people in the Wallowa Valley , with a teacher , that is all I would ask .
24 That way there would be plenty of decent players for each team and it would only take me a couple of hours per week to sort out .
25 ‘ If you would just show me the route on this map , ’ says Robyn , without returning the smile , ‘ I 'd be most grateful . ’
26 Frankenstein would not give me a wife , but he hoped to find happiness with a wife of his own .
27 I have a Roland U220 which would give me the sounds I want although I know it would not give me the great note-sequence loops which McLaughlin uses so beautifully .
28 My movements up to this had been quite natural , and if I could continue to make her think I was unaware of her presence , she would possibly give me a second chance .
29 While I have friends who would probably help me a great deal , there is no legal arrangement to deal with someone who has declining health because of AIDS .
30 He would n't tell me a whole lot about what the countries were like , because he did n't know himself .
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