Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 The weather , dry weather should slowly spread from the west this afternoon , maximum temperatures up to nine Celsius , forty eight Fahrenheit .
2 It has been supposed that a vocal response must necessarily emanate from the left hemisphere and that a stimulus presented in the left half field of vision must therefore be transferred from the right to the left hemisphere .
3 A Brownie who stops the ball with her hands must then try to roll it between someone else 's legs , but she must not move from the circle .
4 This must not detract from the enormous value of May 's pioneer work in publishing such large collections , and he can hardly be blamed for being the victim , as we all are in turn , of the limitation of the knowledge and ideas of the day .
5 They may even drive on occasions but must not deviate from the agreed route except where reasonable to protect the child .
6 The perversity of the decision should not detract from the flaws it appeared to expose in sport 's crusade to eradicate drug abuse , nor the manner in which it showed that financial considerations were as responsible for the debacle as the gross ineptitude of the DLV .
7 Such points , nevertheless , should not detract from the overall value of his political theory .
8 This should not detract from the fact that several departments were making legitimate use of the improved facilities , though as one teacher noted there were subjects such as business studies where the potential had yet to be recognised .
9 But this disappointing lack of interest should not detract from the elevation of Chatto 's oldest and most faithful author , ‘ writer ’ Sir Victor Sawdon Pritchett , to the Order of the Companions of Honour , nor from further recognition for bestselling novelist Catherine Cookson OBE : she becomes a Dame of the British Empire for services to charity .
10 There are marked fluctuations in the monthly totals for any one winter , which must partly stem from the species ' habit of frequently feeding outside the estuaries during the day , so that birds are missed by the counts .
11 So we must surely deduce from the following that those Pressmen on the panel were voting about something they had never actually experienced !
12 But to suggest that the tea plantations of Sri Lanka or the coffee farms of Togo should exclusively benefit from the export of their crop would be absurd .
13 With respect to the correlation between the development of heavy and light industry we must again proceed from the optimum combination of both factors .
14 The landlord should either obtain from the insurers a waiver of subrogation rights as regards the tenant , any undertenant and their mortgagees , or if that is not possible or practicable then the landlord should endeavour to note their interests on the policy .
15 Decor should never distact from the food and guests should be able to enter and leave banquette seating without shifting the tables on either side .
16 And let's not shrink from the truth about Big Birthday blues : we have genuine cause to feel depressed because the calendar chronicles what , most of the time , we prefer to forget — that life is finite .
17 Many sandstones with overgrowth cements exhibit little solution compaction at grain-to-grain contacts ( Fig. 5.26c , d ) ; the source of silica in such sediments can only partially be derived from the solution compaction and may largely result from the dissolution of opaline silica .
18 Numbers of two North American species of eider duck , the spectacled and Steller 's , have declined sharply in the past decade and may soon disappear from the continent as breeding birds , according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service ( F&WS ) .
19 For this reason , their rules , while instruments of public law and recognised by the FSA , may not be " statutory " rules with statutory force and may thus differ from the SIB 's rules .
20 We also have a number of collectors , one of whom I visited recently to discover a house so piled with neatly catalogued shoe boxes full of cards that I could not see how he and I might successfully get from the front door to the kitchen without a Sherpa .
21 One of these days they 'll just vanish from the face of the earth and never be seen again .
22 Simply , that the issues that affect our lives are entirely underpinned by a belief in women 's dubious nature ; their animality , their polluting tendencies , a sense that something might just erupt from the female that is dangerous and needs to be controlled .
23 Or , having positive energy , it might also escape from the vicinity of the black hole as a real particle or antiparticle ( Fig. 7.4 ) .
24 ‘ Gina , I know rape is not just a physical assault , I know Miranda might never recover from the emotional damage , I am concerned for the girl . ’
25 The court rejected this proposition , but went on to consider whether the Secretary of State could justifiably depart from the judicial view on tariff .
26 The narrow European Economic Community of the 1960s is developing into a wider European Community which could eventually stretch from the Atlantic to the Urals , from the Arctic Circle to the Bosphorus .
27 For Schopenhauer , valuable as all the arts were , music was the art which uniquely penetrated the depths of metaphysical reality and expressed the essence of that reality , the will , directly : " the composer reveals the innermost nature of the world and expresses the deepest wisdom in a language which his rational faculty does not understand " , Words , on the other hand , like the instruments of reason that they are , could only intrude from the secondary world of physical phenomena , with which true music was not concerned .
28 He contended that pleasure could only arise from the satisfaction of an impulse and that therefore there could be no pleasure , and no possibility of satisfying a desire for pleasure , unless there were impulses towards things other than pleasure .
29 ‘ I 'm taking you in my arms , ’ he returned with a calmness she could only envy from the bottom of her heart .
30 At first many people , including Israel himself , argued that since black holes had to be perfectly spherical , a black hole could only form from the collapse of a perfectly spherical object .
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