Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [be] seen as " in BNC.

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1 Military necessity should rather be seen as subject to , or forming an aspect of , the overriding principle of economy or proportionality in the use of force ( McDougal and Feliciano , 1958 , pp. 797–8 ) .
2 The second language list , which included those languages other than the ‘ major ’ EC languages , should rather be seen as representing a major step forward in the recognition of the importance of , for example , Urdu .
3 Aethelred 's initial acts on becoming king should perhaps be seen as primarily a securing of Mercian border territories .
4 Thus education was to be productive of a ‘ good ’ , politically respectable State ; but it must not be seen as instrumental in any narrow or vocational way .
5 This must not be seen as condoning the random killing of animals ; far from it .
6 This career framework should not be seen as being wholly rigid or fixed .
7 These approaches should not be seen as peripheral to the school curriculum but as an integral part of it .
8 However , most drama activity should not be seen as leading to a polished end product ; even where this is the result , the most significant educational value of the activity will often have been found in the process that led to that end product .
9 But these two functions should not be seen as entirely discrete .
10 Rights , in other words , should not be seen as ends in themselves .
11 The short-sighted , narrow-minded Education Reform Act should not be seen as ringing the death-knell of teacher reflection and autonomy , but rather as signalling its increasing urgency .
12 ‘ Finally , we would urge that this decision should not be seen as immutable .
13 An inspection of the table reveals overlaps between the three trends , and clearly they should not be seen as mutually exclusive .
14 Also , the associations that will be discussed , and the interpretations of them in postclassical terms that will be offered , should not be seen as suggesting the operation of ‘ causes ’ or ‘ determinants ’ , even where such language has been used by those involved in establishing the associations .
15 This capacity is no more than a device to enable the organisation to act , and should not be seen as either creating or weighing against an agency relationship .
16 It means that social science should not be seen as developing a stock of knowledge about an object which is external to us , but should develop a critical self-awareness in people as subjects and indeed assist in their emancipation .
17 While the 1985/6 period forms the focus of my analysis this particular episode should not be seen as unique in the context of the United Kingdom holiday industry .
18 The provision of musical instruments in church should not be seen as solely for the accompaniment and embellishment of singing , but also for solo and ensemble playing before , during or after a service .
19 Listening to others in worship should not be seen as passive .
20 It was pointed out that these lists should not be seen as hierarchical .
21 In Cook the British Columbia Court of Appeal also held that the former sexual offences should not be seen as setting the boundaries of the new sexual offences .
22 But he also argues that this should not be seen as automatically implying drudgery and oppression for women .
23 Despite occasional conflicts between bishops and comites , and the apparent restriction of comital power in some towns , secular power and ecclesiastical authority should not be seen as being in conflict .
24 It has said that Article 10 should not be seen as requiring a " balance " between , on the one hand , the value of freedom of expression and , on the other , the value of national security , crime prevention and the other exceptions in Article 10(2) .
25 They are an expression of underlying inequalities which , while they may be categorized primarily as economic and social , must also be seen as political .
26 Policies must also be seen as to a considerable extent products of other policies .
27 They must be considered reasonable by the parties to them at the time of entering into the contract and they must also be seen as reasonable from an objective point of view .
28 Conventional archaeology must now be seen as only one aspect of a balanced study of prehistory , not the dominant factor .
29 Like the less diplomatically suave authority , Theodore Haecker , whom Eliot was at times glad to call on , the author of Four Quartets and editor of The Criterion required us to take Virgil as , above all , the author of the Fourth Eclogue , the pagan poet who prophesied Christianity , whose vision of human history must accordingly be seen as completed and vindicated by The Divine Comedy .
30 The two ways of working ( in small groups and in a whole class group ) should never be seen as mutually exclusive .
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