Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Freudian realistic view it seems to me , could n't allow you to draw either conclusion , you could n't , neither conclude , that things were better in the past and therefore we ou ought to go back to the golden age , nor , could you conclude that things will ever be any better in the future .
2 In the process we may fall back on an idealized view of our own society , or take our cue from generalized impressions of ‘ Western ’ experience .
3 Curiously enough , it appears that there is no question at all which fits the adjective of a sentence like ( 59 ) closely , so that one must fall back on a metalinguistic one such as ( 60 ) : ( 59 ) the sharks remain dangerous ( 60 ) what did you say about the sharks ? 5.7 Since the property of the postverbal is one which the speaker deliberately chooses to clothe in the guise of an adjective rather than an adverb , it must , as we have already remarked , be one which is capable of being ascribed to the referential locus of the subject phrase .
4 It is for these reasons that Woolwich is not enabled or required to seek its remedy through the statutory framework , but must fall back on the common law .
5 However , where negotiation fails , the parties must fall back on the law , and their rights and liabilities will then be governed by the terms of their contract .
6 Since May was seventy-two when his book was published , it is clear that many of his recipes must date back to the days of Queen Elizabeth 1st .
7 According to Mr S Raisbeck of Selby Crescent ( assistant manager at the replacement Regal Cinema 1948–51 ) the whole of the north wall of the Regal is the original wall of The Theatre Royal and so must date back to the 1880s .
8 Following the inquiry 's recommendations , in February 1989 , the Secretary of State issued a Circular on the discharge of patients from hospital ( HC(89)5 ) , and in September 1990 followed this with the Circular on the care programme approach , stating that from April 1991 all patients leaving hospital should be the subjects of care programmes , and that in September 1991 regions should report back on the implementation of this policy .
9 If he wants a depressing story , he should look back to the housing expenditure of the last Labour Government .
10 The hon. Gentleman should look back at the Labour party 's record in government before he starts to criticise ours .
11 The details of the timetable motion allow for just five days ' debate on a Bill which is 103 pages long , contains 94 clauses and nine schedules and which must report back to the House by 26 February .
12 To define Rottweiler character , we must look back to the breed 's history .
13 With the Tories moving on to more radical positions , and the Labour Party now much more centrist , logic seemed to dictate that this kind of Alliance supporter should move back to a Social Democratic outlook identical with that of old Gaitskellites .
14 Either they must draw back from the spotlight and forfeit their privileges or pick their partners based on purely practical criteria .
15 ‘ John Birt should pay back to the Inland Revenue all the tax avoided in his period as deputy director general . ’
16 As well as reporting policy requirements to advice workers , the manager must pass back to the area office any new training needs that have emerged from basic advice work .
17 Either way , the problem you describe , combined with the fact that this is your first dog , makes me think you should go back to the RSPCA and ask them to put you in touch with the most suitable , local training club .
18 She and her security advisers should go back to the drawing board .
19 ‘ You should go back to the crossroads , ’ Sharpe told Harper .
20 I knew I should go back to the stockade now , but an idea came to me and I sat down to wait for darkness .
21 British Rail should go back to the drawing board , look at the line and the station together , and produce a new , properly worked out Bill that addresses both the line and the station .
22 A twin-engined fighter is a beast , I told Messerschmitt he should go back to the drawing board .
23 ‘ I really should go back to the Gasthaus and practise . ’
24 belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall-back position which Good has given , which they the trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but are feeling very much on surpluses , that the money is there first of all to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels , whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
25 It is a ludicrous situation and we should go back to the drawing board and start afresh . ’
26 Ireland should go back to the past and pray and concentrate on God .
27 I M P A Cs belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall back position which Good has given , which they they trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but our feeling very much on surplus is that the money is there first for to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
28 If Papandreou wishes to continue her righteous quest , she should go back into the smoke-filled rooms of the Bâtiment Berlaymont and re-package her proposals rationally .
29 I should go back into the chair .
30 I think we should go back by the paths .
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