Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] my [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This may explain my confusion on reading a newspaper advertisement touting a book on baseball by Roger Angell .
2 ‘ Wait but a few moments here for me , ’ she said more gently , ‘ for I must make my farewell to the Lady Percy , who has been more than kind to me . ’
3 ‘ Not eating Becky 's food I can understand , Goldie , but really — I should think my kitchen at least is kosher enough for you ! ’
4 I must explain my ruse for prising so much stuff — good stuff — out of the islanders . ’
5 But the fact that the medical profession has , for example , tended to restrict entry to the profession so as to preserve status , jobs and income , does not imply that I should withhold my trust in the ability and intention of my doctor to act in my best interests .
6 " Well , " said Death , with a mouth full of cookie , " I must do my job by noon . "
7 At the time I was in the throes of training Dawn and it seemed obvious that I should do my talk on the owl .
8 I will use my strength to guarantee you and , in return , you must follow my lead with regard to other powers , and give me support and assistance when I call upon it …
9 I must keep my temper under control , Remember you are in India .
10 I must keep my class under control , both to permit individuals to work , and so as not to disturb other classes .
11 I am King of England and henceforth must dedicate my life to my kingdom …
12 I felt relief that someone who had known Marie Claire for so long should share my opinion of her .
13 I will not bore you with going through a lot of slides showing those comparisons , but in a short paper erm you must take my word for it that the two groups were comparable .
14 You must take my word for it that I saw it by accident .
15 But one day I must take my courage in both hands and go back to visit
16 I insisted that the Cabinet Secretary should record my protest in the Cabinet minutes . ’
17 Each time I asked , you fobbed me off , and now you 're suggesting that I should fix my belief in you without some kind of hook to hang it on .
18 Because I 'm not flat-chested , they think I should hide my body underneath a big black dress or something .
19 I woke up frightened at having my knife and pill-bottles in the tent in case I should end my life during my night 's sleep .
20 I must express my disgust at the Cats Protection League Darlington blacklisting Coundon .
21 My parents were campesinos and did n't see why I should continue my education after primary school .
22 I must offer my condolence to the families of the victims . ’
23 ‘ First , I must get a little bigger , and second , I must find my way into that beautiful garden .
24 You must forgive my intruding like this .
25 ‘ If I like , I 'll throw my dinner on the floor and put clams in my hair and have tantrums , and … ’
26 And if that does n't sound better than a Paul Daniels tape , I 'll eat my copy of Nobody Does It Better by Carly Simons .
27 The senator had beaten down my last defences , and now offered me a compromise that might make my surrender to his wishes more acceptable .
28 So , let's think about our objectives , first of all an objective , I might have come to Abbey Life to make money , last year , I might have been working in a factory , earning fifteen , twelve , fifteen thousand a year , and I might make my objective in my first year with Abbey Life to earn sixty thousand pounds .
29 Godwin is not pleased with that idea : I might compromise my sincerity by acting in an underhand manner .
30 I 'll line my stomach with something , so when it comes up later I 'll know that my stomach is empty .
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