Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] off the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I have given instructions to Brian Lewis that if members of staff are found trying to abuse this facility he should switch off the lift system entirety .
2 We must shake off the image that marketing a service is somehow analogous to marketing goods and approach the matter more vigorously .
3 come on then foot 's to , yeah a bit of an adjustment I think you need you 're funny , you are , come on then come on then , right , hold that , you 'll finish off the carpet anyway , here are then ,
4 This may also involve physically not going to places ( e.g. the staffroom ) or meeting people ( your head of department ) who might set off the alarm by mistake .
5 I might start off the day with lots of intentions and by the end of it I 'm so fagged out I just collapse .
6 Well that 's what I was wondering that 's why I said go out into fresh air , in the hopes that they might shake off the bug I do n't think it works like that , do you ?
7 Institutional and professional continuity seems to allow established disciplines to contain epistemological doubts or crises which might kill off the fledgling .
8 However , it is clear that an imaginative treatment of this form of interior could show off the texture and complexity of the original timber structure to dramatic effect .
9 More time could finish off the country . "
10 in a garage , where exhaust fumes could set off the alarm .
11 Anyone making a noise could set off the bomb , therefore , if the judge catches anyone talking or making a noise , that person is out .
12 ‘ I 'd pay off the school fees first if I were you . ’
13 The taxicab had gone before Tunney could pay off the driver .
14 The other important point to remember about wall tiles is that spacer lugs are no more , and the old-fashioned types that are rounded on one ( RE ) or two ( REX ) edges , used to finish off the perimeter of half-tiled areas , have virtually disappeared too .
15 We could n't sense that , a few hundred feet above us up the ridge , David Simpson 's and Jane Lapiner 's house had shaken apart , that rocks had thundered down the cliff face opposite my house , that a mile to the north at the precise moment that we were walking through Jim 's house and I was spreading out the blueprints on the hood of my car to continue our conversation , an overturned electric coffee pot in the Petrolia store had already started a blaze that would finish off the store and our adjoining post office in about 45 minutes .
16 Then the rocket propeller , having completed two and a half turns , would set off the detonator , which exploded in front of the ‘ plane you were firing at .
17 Isabel whispered , holding Joanna 's sapphire gaze as though the guileless , open sincerity within would ward off the evil moving closer .
18 He saw himself as the only point of free will in the landscape before him , and if he could move his body with a purpose , then his mind would shake off the slough of misery and clear for action .
19 She was told that , unless insemination occurred at exactly the right time each month , her acid levels would kill off the donor sperm .
20 The text sets out from the premiss that the beneficiary of the trust ought to obtain the actual land ( rather than its value ) ; the question therefore is who ought to pay off the creditor to whom the land is presently pledged .
21 Even brief air disturbance will set off the alarm .
22 Therefore it does not seem to be necessary to encourage people who suffer from Chemical Dependency also to give up cigarette smoking ( except on grounds of general health ) for fear that it will spark off the compulsion to return to use of the original addictive drug of choice .
23 An endowment mortgage gives life cover automatically ; repayment loans need separate cover and Bristol & West Mortgagesure provides this simply and cheaply — it will pay off the mortgage should you die .
24 The voters will write off the Opposition , whose policies are now purely hypocritical and do not matter .
25 Still , if he can manipulate his Chief Whip like Indiana manipulated his bull whip maybe today he will pull off the kind of last-minute , knife-edge victory the film hero always managed .
26 Can you amend the proof of 1.3.10 to obtain a proof of this conjecture — or can you supply a single counterexample which will kill off the conjecture ?
27 Be careful not to use anything which has a bactericidal action to treat your pond , as it will kill off the filter bacteria and render it useless .
28 Can you take this home so you can finish off the tape ?
29 Swivel on your supporting leg and bring your kicking knee full across your body where you can fend off the attacker , if necessary .
30 Whatever may be the case in Russia , we in the degenerate West can switch off the radio or television , or not buy a newspaper , or not read such parts of it as we do not wish to .
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