Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] him the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She must must must give him the money , the ships , anything , and he must must must carry her flag and her favour beyond the end of the end of the earth , into exaltation and immortality , linking them for ever with bonds far harder to dissolve than those of any mortal love , the harsh and deifying ties of history .
2 If you do , then maybe you should give him the chance he is asking for .
3 If you do , then maybe you should give him the chance he is asking for .
4 The top chasers have a habit of being able to give weight and a beating to their more humble rivals and although Barnbrook Again appears to have been given a stiff task in conceding 8lb to Rusch de Farges , his two runs already this season should give him the advantage .
5 He mentioned he often gets the coaching bug , I say Leeds should give him the opportunity to get more involved in that side now .
6 Do n't you think we should give him the benefit of the doubt ? ’
7 Now he was insisting that she should give him the dress she was wearing to pay off the debt .
8 The official warns Butch he must tell him the type of ball , and so Butch has another go : ‘ Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta … ’ and he stamps his foot in frustration .
9 For once , she must tell him the truth , never mind that he had behaved so badly last night .
10 If the potential plaintiff has other dealings with the potential defendant , these may give him the opportunity to exercise rights of set-off .
11 I 'll give him the phone number if he wants .
12 I 'm not being nasty I 'll give him the money , but
13 Oh yeah , I 'll give him the money now .
14 Clough went into the match against Everton wondering whether another setback might bring him the sack on the day he joined the Nottinghamshire miners on a protest march .
15 We 'll send him the money through the — ’
16 He took care of the nation 's finances , Aunt Harriet had said , you might call him the Keeper of the Purse .
17 ‘ Tell young d'Urberville I 'll sell him the title , yes , sell it , at a reasonable price . ’
18 If they both ran into Viola , he would introduce her as that , and if he waited awhile , fate might save him the trouble of a divorce , anyway .
19 Willsford , Riverside Boy and Richard Dunwoody 's expected mount Wo n't be Gone Long are others to look at but I feel that the class of Chatam could make him the bet of the race .
20 You could buy him the Crown of Command as one of his magic items , which at 50 points still makes him marginally cheaper than an Orc or Black Orc Warlord .
21 Willy used to come from school and she used to come up me mum 's house with a , so could have a suck of the tit he would 've come from school and you 'd expect him the night at me mam 's house
22 She could put him into the scale alongside Joseph and Tarquin Poulteney-Crosse whom she believed culpable of murder , or she could give him the benefit of the doubt .
23 I 'd give him the order of the boot .
24 ‘ Still alive , and wanting to marry me again — as if I 'd give him the chance ! ’
25 Think you 'd give him the money .
26 The truth was she 'd never been more curious about anyone in her whole life , but there was no way she 'd give him the satisfaction of knowing that .
27 Once they had spent an enjoyable week in Bath and on another occasion he had suggested going to Cornwall so that she could show him the house where she was brought up .
28 I 'd show him the door , tell him if he can get more than that somewhere else he 's very welcome and use the £2million transfer fee on a player who does n't put money first .
29 Before Rincewind could stop him the dragonrider had leapt from the creature 's back to land on the platform , where he stood grinning at the wizard 's discomfiture .
30 Well if he was sleeping you could leave him the car .
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