Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] so [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The monetary committee 's report warns that any currency wishing to rejoin should do so only if there is mutual agreement on its parity .
2 But I do not accept the submission of Mr. Everall ’ — who appeared for the father — ‘ that she should go so far as to establish that by their return they would be exposed to a grave risk of harm to bring them within the ambit of article 13 ( b ) .
3 If Norman Lamont keeps the job of Chancellor ( and he might do so only because of the shortlist of alternative candidates is embarrassingly short ) he may decide to delay the next cut in interest rates for long enough to convince the markets that he is serious about wanting to move sterling into narrow bands in the European exchange rate mechanism at its middle rate of Dm2.95 .
4 Some of us might go so far as to say that the Genesis account of creation is not literal history but myth in Lewis 's sense .
5 Besides , if Maidstone could predict so accurately when Elsie would appear then it would be a simple matter to find her again — perhaps at the same time tomorrow .
6 She would n't have believed that he could move so fast as , with a rushing like that of fluid from a punctured sac , the rotten body comes slithering out in a wave of its own juices .
7 He had my lord 's entire confidence — indeed it is hard to credit that anyone could change so radically as has my uncle . ’
8 So I think it 's easy to see that religion fulfils this civilizing socially controlling role , but of course , this has been a popular theme in sociological writing in the course of the twentieth century , indeed , you could go so far as to say this , it is has become a cliche , in twentieth century social science .
9 Few could go so far as Musurus Pasha , who during his thirty-five years as Turkish ambassador in London staffed the embassy entirely with his sons , nephews and sons-in-law ; but even in the most developed states of western Europe and on the eve of the 1914 conflict family influences could still be important .
10 ‘ No , Nina , I was n't in love with David Markham , ’ said Rachel firmly , then , seeing that Nina was still slightly bemused , she added , ‘ In fact , I think you could go so far as to say I detested him . ’
11 Tape Worm : I 'm normally very polite and hardly swear , but I 'd go so far as to say that Tape Worm is one ugly ( Censored ! — Ed ) .
12 ‘ I 'd go so far as to say I was very impressed .
13 I 'd say more than that , in fact I 'd go so far as to mention the name of Blanche Ingram and the word , marriage .
14 In fact , I 'd go so far as to return a compliment I 've had paid to me by men many times over in my eventful life .
15 ‘ I 'd go so far as to say that you 're wasting your time even to think of applying for custody . ’
16 We may go so far as to suggest that each reader has a " stylistic competence " , analogous to and additional to the " linguistic competence " shared ( according to Chomsky ) by all native speakers of a language .
17 ( Anglers are presently major users of the Derwent and would remain so even if the river were reinstated for use by power craft . )
18 ‘ It would have to be a very small stone , but I would do so gladly if it binds you to me . ’
19 In regard to smells resulting from the transportation of manure it seems to me that , irrespective of the methods employed , the necessary journeys would occur so infrequently as not to be unduly detrimental to the residential amenities which nearby residents in this rural community could reasonably be expected to enjoy . ’
20 Indeed , I would go so far as to say that a doctor who continued treatment past this point would be behaving at least unethically , if not unlawfully .
21 In fact , I would go so far as to say that there is almost a feeling of relief here that Clause 28 is associated with someone so widely discredited .
22 Bill : I do n't know if anybody feels they have , but this is a thing which I felt was central to the gay movement of the seventies and I think I would go so far as to say that I assume that most of my close friends feel , like Mark , that it 's fine to have special relationships but it is n't fine to have ones where you are n't allowed to have anything else and also that there 's nothing more deadly to a relationship when you are trying desperately not to have it off with anybody else because you feel guilty about it .
23 We would go so far as to suggest that every sheet that carries any part of the answer of question 9 ought to be marked " 9 " in colour , the first one being " 9 Start " the next " 9 Cont 'd " , and the last one " 9 End " .
24 There are those critics of the polytechnics who regard this as a most unfortunate development and would go so far as to castigate them for betraying their primary purpose , which they see as providing for the communities in which they are located , something which of necessity can only be done primarily through part-time provision .
25 I would go so far as to say that one of the main reasons why there are fewer casualties among pedestrians and particularly children in countries such as West Germany is that that country has more flexibility in the use of speed limits .
26 We 've put those together , we 've looked at the staff that we need to administer that particular level of activity , and we 've come out with a figure that we think is a reasonable estimate , in fact I would go so far as saying , we think this is the lowest estimate that we can safely put forward , as to our needs for the coming year .
27 She hesitated , then went on , ‘ Yes , Dr Markham , I would go so far as to say that forgetting the past is the only way we 're going to achieve any sort of working relationship . ’
28 In her affidavit Miss Heal set out , pursuant to the provisions of article 8 ( f ) of the Convention , the circumstances which she said would obtain so far as the mother is concerned if she and the child were to be returned to Ontario .
29 If it did , Nuttall and McCormick imply that the costs would rise so substantially as to become prohibitive .
30 His insecurity will persist so long as he bottles up change , no matter how well his ruling party behaves .
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