Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] been part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This must have been part of a Roman cemetery as again in 1926 near this spot workmen digging on the edge of Lee 's Great Quarry ( Houlder Quarry ) , 20 yards from Clements Farm found a quantity of human bones and pottery .
2 I think that , too , must have been part of an identity check , particularly as she repeated it again at the end . "
3 As emerged later from the television news , he had been visiting the front near al-Amarah , during what must have been part of the offensive named by Tehran as Muharram al-Haram .
4 And still without needing to turn my head , but looking straight to the front , and walking at the same even pace along the path , I was conscious of a man perched motionless on the top bar of the gate , one leg over , so still that he might have been part of the gate itself .
5 Two trained and experienced businessmen in one landscaping company is unusual , and Peter suspects it might have been part of the reason for success .
6 ‘ It might have been part of the equipment those scientists dropped into the sea when they were here , ’ he suggested .
7 As Hannah moves fluently along her journey into the past , what emerges most strongly to the listener is a sense of privilege — that here is a survivor of a lost way of life which was so innocent and simple , so materially deprived , yet spiritually rich , that it might have been part of another civilization altogether , surviving from an earlier century , perhaps .
8 It is hard for us to understand how these same principles could have been part of the radical political programme of writers as diverse as Cobbett and Gramsci . ’
9 If she could have been part of a warm , loving family , it was what she would have liked most of all .
10 It is unclear whether the ensemble is complete or what purpose the pieces served , although it seems plausible that the treasure could have been part of a decoration for a large container or a large doorway .
11 Would readers also know anything about the Art Quilt Co. , which could have been part of , or an offshoot of , Morris Bros ?
12 If any one of us had been touching a wall above ground we 'd have been part of the bloody architecture by now . ’
13 This claim has never been proved and it may have been part of the Securitate 's scare tactics .
14 Evans suggested that if the complete picture showed an attack on a city the houses depicted may have been part of an outer defence wall in which no ground-floor doors or windows would have been possible .
15 Excavations carried out recently on behalf of the Cheltenham Museum have revealed structures from the first to the fourth centuries , an irregular street pattern and a ditch with fourth-century coins in the lower filling which may have been part of a defence system .
16 Among the objects in Devizes Museum is an un-inscribed stone altar , a full-size silver eye from a bronze head of a cult statue and a length of iron rod sheathed in bronze , which may have been part of a sceptre .
17 The gift of a slave-girl to his daughter ( verse 24 ) may have been part of the dowry .
18 Thus , the phenomenon may have been part of variability in English for many centuries — more common perhaps in some dialects than in others , receding at some periods and progressing at others .
19 Not ideal , Ah 'm told , but that may have been part of the test . ’
20 This requirement may have been part of our own history too .
21 But the move may have been part of the general trend by oil companies to reduce drilling commitments as cash flow was squeezed by sluggish oil prices and huge spending programmes in the North Sea .
22 As we did so he explained he had taken the day off , instead of next Sunday , which would have been part of his free week-end .
23 It would have been part of their worship and prayers to say with confidence , ‘ Glory belongs to God ’ .
24 It is extremely probable that nine days later they would have been part of the 1000 Bomber Raid on Cologne .
25 The classes would have been part of a £1 million image building programme .
26 The life review can provide a means of re-establishing and confirming individual involvement with current reality , and linking their past work and efforts with the social change that has occurred , for in a variety of subtle ways they will have been part of the changes and developments that they are witnessing .
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