Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] been [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Fight as they did to keep the canoe on course they were driven westward of Castiglione ( near Sidi Ferruch ) when they should have been east of this port .
2 The shoes , handmade to last a life-time , should have been symbols of polite security , but there was no security .
3 I mapped out our plans — the Palladium , the TV series — must have been £50,000 of work .
4 This must have been part of a Roman cemetery as again in 1926 near this spot workmen digging on the edge of Lee 's Great Quarry ( Houlder Quarry ) , 20 yards from Clements Farm found a quantity of human bones and pottery .
5 I think that , too , must have been part of an identity check , particularly as she repeated it again at the end . "
6 As emerged later from the television news , he had been visiting the front near al-Amarah , during what must have been part of the offensive named by Tehran as Muharram al-Haram .
7 Must have been quarter of an hour at least .
8 Finally , the ‘ deme judges ’ ( again an originally Pisistratid invention ) dispensed a justice which was uniform for all Attica , but they travelled round the demes on a kind of assize circuit ; they too must have been agents of unification .
9 He did n't get back until … on , it must have been Tuesday of the following week . ’
10 Then the young woman laughed merrily , her voice strengthening after what must have been years of silence , and the whole strange cellar rang with that laughter , and the glass fragments tinkled like broken bells .
11 There must have been concentrations of seal makers at the great temple centres , serving the larger populations of the towns .
12 I 'm sure none of us noticed what must have been expressions of pure panic on the faces of our two teachers and the several parents who had volunteered to keep their own children and their classmates from certain death by drowning in the pool .
13 There must have been rumours of the dastardly deed at the hall as early as 1578 , for it was in that year that Sir Henry Knyvett ( another of Darrel 's antagonists ) wrote a letter to Sir John at Longleat , asking him to search out Mr Bonham and to enquire how many children his sister had and what had become of them .
14 According to Eadmer there were over sixty in about 1080 , and a high proportion of them must have been Englishmen of the old foundation .
15 And still without needing to turn my head , but looking straight to the front , and walking at the same even pace along the path , I was conscious of a man perched motionless on the top bar of the gate , one leg over , so still that he might have been part of the gate itself .
16 Two trained and experienced businessmen in one landscaping company is unusual , and Peter suspects it might have been part of the reason for success .
17 ‘ It might have been part of the equipment those scientists dropped into the sea when they were here , ’ he suggested .
18 As Hannah moves fluently along her journey into the past , what emerges most strongly to the listener is a sense of privilege — that here is a survivor of a lost way of life which was so innocent and simple , so materially deprived , yet spiritually rich , that it might have been part of another civilization altogether , surviving from an earlier century , perhaps .
19 Sometimes it doesn especially if it 's just one thing outside there , like it might have been sort of a a three X or
20 It is hard for us to understand how these same principles could have been part of the radical political programme of writers as diverse as Cobbett and Gramsci . ’
21 If she could have been part of a warm , loving family , it was what she would have liked most of all .
22 It is unclear whether the ensemble is complete or what purpose the pieces served , although it seems plausible that the treasure could have been part of a decoration for a large container or a large doorway .
23 Would readers also know anything about the Art Quilt Co. , which could have been part of , or an offshoot of , Morris Bros ?
24 They could have been members of the House of Atreus .
25 Max said there 'd have been buckets of blood , and if someone 's going to get it all over a suit , or a dress …
26 If any one of us had been touching a wall above ground we 'd have been part of the bloody architecture by now . ’
27 Although some of these may have been cases of a genuine change of religious commitment , in many I was given the strong impression that these were people who had come to the church regularly at the time when they were building their political careers but who had subsequently fallen away and now professed no strong denominational attachment .
28 There may have been problems of mastery , of control , of appropriate letting go ; or an early refusal to let go as resistance to an over-persistent potty-training parent .
29 As the team 's player/manager he may have been man of the match but even our ebullient was eclipsed by .
30 This claim has never been proved and it may have been part of the Securitate 's scare tactics .
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