Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] in a different " in BNC.

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1 It is one matter being told you should deal in a different way with the person you dislike or despise , yet another to know what to do with strong emotions you experience in relation to these people .
2 To Wagner , therefore , he could write in a different tone : " I prefer not to say a word about the German victories : these are the letters of fire on the wall , intelligible to all peoples . "
3 It is ac I could sit in a different place .
4 Its sense of smell must function for it to assess horses it has not met before , and also to fully recognise old companions it may meet in a different environment .
5 Although , if it wishes , the House may proceed in a different way , the normal procedure is for a Member wishing to raise a matter of privilege to ask the Speaker for a preliminary ruling .
6 As far back as 1949 P. W. Bridgman showed that water would crystallize in a different pattern if frozen at different barometric pressures , a specific pattern being obtained for each barometric pressure .
7 If at an arbitrary point ( say V ) we decided to decrease the current , B would decrease in a different manner , as shown in Fig. 3.10 .
8 They may play in a different key and with a somewhat different emphasis but the tune can often be heard all the same .
9 Sometimes those persons may live in a different country ( as in the case of Nepal and India , for example ) , which may well create both problems and opportunities for the funding and joint cooperation of soil conservation ventures .
10 On top of this , there may be areas of the police department which have been financed by special funds , perhaps in the form of trusts ; the costs of these areas will appear in a different fund again .
11 There are also different ways in which the subdivisions can be made and each analysis will result in a different set of criteria , although there may well be considerable overlap between some of the sets .
12 This means that if one tries to take an ‘ essential section ’ there is no essence revealed which is the present of each level ; indeed the break valid for one history would not necessarily correspond to that valid for any other which will live in a different time and in a different rhythm .
13 Although the model represents the organisation as a whole , it can be adapted so that a particular part of the model can appear in a different form to different users .
14 For longer word lists , this can result in a different number of nodes ( and therefore edges ) .
15 The use of standard terms can result in a different problem .
16 For example , in the situation shown at cell ( 5,7 ) in Figure 6.2 the stream is moved back one cell towards the source , without altering any of the 1s and 0s , until the stream can move in a different direction .
17 ‘ Sometimes interviews can move in a different direction from the one you anticipate , ’ she said shortly , knowing that there was more than a grain of truth in what he 'd said .
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