Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] they [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know I mean er maybe these are minute but whether you should explore them at that moment in time I mean only experience will tell .
2 Do they want to become MPs for the money ( some , it seems hard to credit , apparently are dim enough to think so ) , for the glamour ( one glance at the crumpled dandruff-laden figure putting the question should disabuse them of that idea ) , for the influence ?
3 We all know that the task we 've set the officers is to manage within the budgets they 've been given , and to have no cuts in services , and no compulsory redundancies , and thi this is their challenge and this is what they seem to be achieving , and I think we should applaud them for that .
4 Used to drag them in that 's why
5 The bottle of bourbon would convince them of that .
6 But , particularly since Tiananmen , it has been echoing the argument that people would be less concerned to leave Hong Kong before 1997 if they could be absolutely confident that other countries would accept them after that date .
7 That work will be completed as soon as possible , not least because , as it is a private-sector , commercially orientated project , its proponents want to ensure that the momentum is sustained — and we will assist them in that .
8 More professionally , you can lighten them to that bleached-bone look by staining them with a white stain , thinned down with fifty percent white spirit .
9 This idea that protect children , not tell them about what 's happening , I mean if anybody can protect them to that extent when even Neighbours is put at a different time on the television , you know , erm that somehow we make them warm and secure by not telling them , to me that is making them dependent and unable maybe to cope later on in their lives .
10 Er and hopefully I can attract them to that .
11 If they can get them for that
12 I could put some in the World wide web — I think that you can get them across that way , but this depends on people having access to the web — ok if you 're on a unix box , tough s*** if not .
13 I can forgive them for that .
14 We can help them with that , but , you know , I think if we do repress their need to talk , or their need to ask quite factual questions , sometimes , then in the end the damage will be much greater .
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