Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [adv] [prep] other " in BNC.

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1 The therapist should look also for other maladaptive behavioural coping strategies such as increasing consumption of alcohol , drugs , cigarettes , food , or prescribed medication .
2 the integration difference : following on from the above , the hypertext system must work together with other programs .
3 We must look also at other areas of privatised industry .
4 So we can put some limits on the project : the chairs must be upholstered ; modern in the simplicity of their lines but not ‘ Cubist ’ for want of a better term ; easy on the eye and bottom ; they should fit in with other existing furniture ; and naturally should be of strong construction so that they will be heirloom quality .
5 Day care should be viewed as only part of a strategy and should link in with other locally based resources .
6 It is not thought appropriate to say that the modern economy requires such an underclass , and certainly not that it must reach out to other countries to sustain and refresh it .
7 I really must get on with other things . ’
8 One might reach out to other affinities .
9 Senior elected and non-elected personnel might be dominant in some authorities on some issues but this is only one possible alliance ; second-tier officers and party activists might combine effectively in other policy areas — the permutations are infinite .
10 So : all of us who are in The Third Age , let's look out for other people and their needs !
11 In particular , the less prominent or important parts of words are modified : thus consonants , vowels , even whole syllables may be dropped if they lack prominence , and sounds may become more like other sounds in adjacent prominent syllables .
12 But the institute 's researchers think that the results of their work could hold equally in other areas of the world where fewer obstacles are in the way of mining companies .
13 This will enable us to ascertain whether pointing is an intrinsically social , communicative act or whether it may develop out of other non-social behaviour , such as reading .
14 When we are insecure about our personal power , ill at ease with our individuality and allowing others to define us much of the time , we may rely heavily on other sources of power .
15 But since we are in agreement , let's go on to other things .
16 ‘ I see it as culminating in an annual event , perhaps a convention and a festival which would tie in with other events like Africa Oye .
17 Finally , Dr Pöhl , who resigned after German Monetary Union , has said , ‘ The adjustment pressure ( after the abandonment of the exchange rate as an instrument of adjustment ) would fall entirely on other aggregates , particularly on employment , and ever increasing public transfer payments would become inescapable .
18 In the related oyster drill Urosalpinx cinerea , Pratt ( 1967 ) found that a starved snail would move away from other starved individuals , but towards ones which had recently fed .
19 He had in those days of innocence seen the Edition as a finite task that would lead on to other things .
20 ‘ Kelly believed she , too , would go on to other things that God planned for her . ’
21 ‘ Kelly believed she too would go on to other things God had got planned for her . ’
22 However , it may be that for bipolar disorders there is an inherited deficit , while for milder disorders the deficit may come about in other ways ( Akiskal , 1979 ) .
23 Buried within IBM announcement of its PowerParallel multi-processing RISC system last month ( CI No 2,113 ) was the news that its parallel processing capabilities will opened up to other vendors ' machines .
24 The ‘ leisure economy ’ describes , of course , a situation in which the affluent are serviced by the non-affluent , the ‘ new ’ workers will work directly on other people 's pleasures .
25 It formalises procedures which were already common , ensuring that the UK system of insurance regulation will compete successfully with other European regimes .
26 The over-straining in capital expenditure : ( 1 ) will not be accompanied by actual construction to a corresponding extent ; ( 2 ) will lead in time to the curtailment of work already under way ; ( 3 ) will react unfavourably on other branches of production ; ( 4 ) will exacerbate the goods famine in every direction ; and ( 5 ) will finally retard the speed of development .
27 There is also the possibility of genuine rotation which will fit in with other farm produce .
28 Security staff will take over at other times
29 They will go off to other projects , he fears , and the Ethiopians , in common with the rest of us who want to understand our origins , will be the losers .
30 They will go off to other projects , he fears , and the Ethiopians , in common with the rest of us who want to understand our origins , will be the losers .
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