Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 v. Kantner ( Case 38/81 ) [ 1982 ] E.C.R. 825 the Court of Justice held that a plaintiff may invoke the jurisdiction of the courts of the place of performance of a contract in accordance with article 5(1) even where the existence of the contract on which the claim is based is in dispute between the parties .
2 One is that it may weaken the marriage by suggesting a ‘ failure ’ on the part of the husband .
3 A campaign for the effective use of current resources is not at all incompatible with a campaign for additional ones and may enhance the clarity with which the shortfall in support for teachers is expressed .
4 A possible explanation is that the reduced bile flow as shown in cholesterol gall stone patients may enhance the absorption of water in the bile duct and may thus produce hepatic bile with a greater total lipid concentration .
5 As found in our experiments , inhibition of NO synthesis may enhance the contraction of the smooth muscle of the gall bladder and the tonic response to CCK-8 can be prolonged , favouring the delivery of bile .
6 Histamine acting locally may enhance the proliferation of tumours arising within the stomach .
7 Though it is often suggested that Metastrongylus may transmit some of the porcine viruses , and may enhance the effect of viruses already present in the lungs , the role of the worm is not conclusively proven .
8 ( b ) if accepting shareholders may be worried that the offeror 's share price may fall following the " hype " of a contested takeover battle , the issue of a convertible loan stock instead of ordinary shares may remedy the situation by offering conversion at the current market price of the offeror 's shares together with a promise of a minimum cash value at a future date with a commercial yield in the meantime ;
9 The rash may take one of several forms — it may mimic a host of rare and not so rare skin conditions .
10 High population densities on the other hand may modify the way in which the land is used under given social relations of production , and indeed modify the relations of production themselves .
11 Thus quantitative or qualitative differences in the lipid composition of the administered fat , saturated or monounsaturated v polyunsaturated oils , may modify the synthesis of eicosanoids and impair some immunomodulatory mechanisms that may influence the outcome when treating active Crohn 's disease .
12 It must not be forgotten , of course , that subsidence itself may modify the nature of the sediment accumulated .
13 We may construct a table for such definitions ( Table 1 ) .
14 As Levy ( 1979 : 193 ) remarks , ‘ the speaker by making reference may not simply identify but may construct the object by selecting from a field of relations those properties that are relevant at the moment of utterance ’ .
15 A further factor to consider is the ‘ noise ’ or interference from other sources which may affect the clarity of the message , while the channel through which the message is directed must also be selected with care to ensure clear communication .
16 In this service veterinary surgeons are employed in the control and eradication of serious diseases of livestock , in the investigation of outbreaks of disease , in the application of health schemes aimed at increasing the efficiency of our livestock industries , and in all matters of animal health and welfare which may affect the country as a whole .
17 Charities therefore face fluctuating incomes that make it difficult to offer consistent and continuous provision , unless they are big and have endowment or trust income to draw upon — and even then unwise investment policy or a fall in dividends or share prices may affect the level of the service offered .
18 Thus fully anticipated changes in the rate of growth of aggregate demand may affect the level of real output even where expectations are rational .
19 Thus , in this model , even anticipated movements in aggregate demand may affect the level of output .
20 Chapter 19 of the General Theory is devoted in its entirety to an exploration of the different routes through which reductions in money wages may affect the level of employment .
21 Pelvic infection It is particularly important to tell your doctor about any pelvic infections , ‘ salpingitis ’ or sexually transmitted disease you have had in the past , as this may affect the choice of contraceptive method for you .
22 These can themselves be productive of problems for the people concerned , or they may affect the kind of advice or counsel which the social worker should offer .
23 This is released by macrophages and neutrophils that infiltrate the colonic mucosa in large numbers during active ulcerative colitis and may affect the function of underlying smooth muscle .
24 In the theoretical sections of this Lecture , we have described how taxation may affect the development of endowments over generations , taking account of the transmission of earning capacity and the inheritance of wealth .
25 Natural justice issues come more into prominence where disciplinary matters are concerned ; particularly if they may affect the freedom of an individual member to do business in the market , or otherwise affect his livelihood .
26 Alternatively , the vendor may require the purchaser to assign to it all rights against third parties but the purchaser will wish to restrict the vendor 's ability to commence proceeding against customers as this may affect the goodwill of the business ; ( h ) to limit some of the warranties to the best of the vendor 's knowledge , information and belief .
27 For instance , monsoons may disrupt transport and power supplies and may affect the conduct of normal day-to-day business .
28 The lack of an objective set of standards or principles to govern effectiveness measurement systems creates the potential for two unique problems that may affect the conduct of a program results review assignment .
29 Note Although most Champagnes are a blend of all three classic grapes , their individual varietal characters are described to give readers an idea of how each may affect the style of a cuvée
30 Here we simply give some examples of the ways in which independent agency objectives , coupled with limited control , may affect the behaviour of the government .
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