Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yet artists do have political responsibilities and some of your critics might suggest that living , as you do , so close to the border in Northern Ireland , you should give your stories a more direct , political context .
2 This means that the nurse must understand what hazards the patients may be exposed to and what peri- and post-operative complications may occur .
3 ‘ It should save your legs a bit . ’
4 Let's give our children a chance to enjoy their childhood .
5 Well I 'll , I 'll give your parents a ring then .
6 You 'll give my children a complex before you 're through . ’
7 The same thing , if somebody 's annoying you like that , ignore them like I said , I do n't mean I wo n't just let them sit there I 'll touch my brakes a couple of times perhaps do the old bit with the mirror and like I said , normally if they 're if they 're responsible drivers that have just happened , they got a bit close then maybe they 'll drop back as I 've done
8 If they do n't want to do that they can still practise as unregistered practitioners , using an adjective that might offer their clients the same frisson as ‘ alternative . ’
9 And well Miss Clark might remember I mean she is as you say probably one of the oldest people and perhaps Miss could rattle her brains a little .
10 If everyone had waited until they could promise their children a safe life , the human race would be extinct . ’
11 These were furnished with fountains , seats , grass and trees and were so organized that nearly every quartier of Paris could give its inhabitants a place for relaxation .
12 He has other litigation pending which , if successful , could give his supporters a majority of seats on the board .
13 ‘ It 'd do my prospects a bit of good . ’
14 On Monday morning he drove the car to work so that he could show his colleagues the slightly dented bumper .
15 Perhaps you could tell our readers a little about your early life ?
16 During such periods of high earnings weavers could allow their children an education .
17 Almost before Laura could blink her eyes a vigorous pillow-fight seemed to be taking place as the two small girls charged back and forth across the bed , screaming with laughter when they managed to score a hit .
18 Unfortunately that empty but we had a little light entertainment when you first came here er especially the way you rode your bicycles er we , we sincerely hoped that you could fly your aeroplanes a little better than that .
19 Claire used to repeat his sentences the same way when they were kids and she wanted to wind him up .
20 Insurers who used to assess their premiums every year , are now having to reassess them every six months and in some cases every four .
21 You know , Joe ’ — he leant towards him now , a wide grin spreading over his face — ‘ I used to wet me pants every Sunday morning .
22 It was very interesting erm Let's spread our wings a bit further round the environment , and have a look at our Friends of the Earth Environmental Charter .
23 In the result the justices on the second day of the hearing , the evidence having been taken the day before and the justices having indicated that they had reached a decision but would give their reasons the next day , made not an interim care order but two prohibited steps orders .
24 ‘ It would give our police a more aggressive appearance as it has to be worn outside the uniform . ’
25 With cinema admissions expanding rapidly , Rank was not only in a buoyant financial condition , but also in a strong position to negotiate a deal , which would secure his films a fair return from the US market , with major American companies increasingly concerned to protect their UK earnings .
26 And although they maintained none of County Durham 's 5,000 teachers would lose their jobs the higher than expected pay deal will make the county dig into its reserves to pay for the salary hike .
27 Dropped goals from free kicks are no longer permissible ; hookers may raise their feet the moment the ball leaves the scrum-half 's hands ; and in the tackle the next player ( other than the tackler ) must be on his feet when he plays the ball .
28 TIME 'S ON MY SIDE HARRY Bassett hopes his act as Old Father Time will give his Blades a greater cutting edge — bringing forward their New Year form by four months Picture : PHIL SPENCER
29 Some dealers have machines — the best of which is the Keith Monks model — which will give your discs a brisk scrub for around £1 each .
30 The easy-to-follow and entertaining stories will give your pupils a richer and more meaningful context for language practice .
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