Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 Many of his battle-weary colleagues , three years later , may regard his enthusiasm with some cynicism but most would agree with him that the nature of management in the NHS has been transformed in a relatively short space of time .
2 More literally translated that verse runs like this : ‘ I may cover his face with the present that goes before my face ; and afterwards I shall see his face ; perhaps he will lift up my face . ’
3 He knew that he should discuss her grandfather with Mariana but remained frightened of hurting her , or of being the immediate instrument of her hurt .
4 The Archbishop said : ‘ It is right and proper that we should bring our indignation with us to God 's house .
5 Of the 130 parishes in the county , only 47 were annual subscribers ; the governors should use their influence with their home parishes .
6 I will use my strength to guarantee you and , in return , you must follow my lead with regard to other powers , and give me support and assistance when I call upon it …
7 But if you 're anxious to get rid of it sooner , you should see your doctor with a view to being referred to a dermatologist .
8 You must provide your manager with a self — or a medical certificate , depending on your illness for the first 7 days you are off but you must provide medical evidence if you are ill for longer than this .
9 You should follow your transcription with an exclamation if used to indicate stress intonation , pauses , local effects etcetera etcetera etcetera .
10 We assume that the writer has used the basic historical framework for her story — Wroe 's demand that his flock should provide his household with seven virgins ( female , although this was not specified ) for his ‘ comfort and succour ’ : and that not terribly long afterwards , he was put on trial by his church for alleged naughtiness with two of them .
11 But to get the best out of his investment , McCoist believes Kendall should encourage his man with a consistent run in the side rather than undermining his confidence with reserve-team football .
12 It must conceal its form with some sort of camouflage .
13 The GP should have his defibrillator with him .
14 A firm knowledge of what jargon is , then , should take its place with a stout pair of boots and a spare pair of braces , in every science-writer 's knapsack .
15 All bulk chemicals should retain their identity with intact labelling , instructions and safety precautions .
16 Instead , you should honour your work with the type of lovely frame that it deserves .
17 ‘ Alas , my lord , that you should confuse your bride with another .
18 Pupils who do not manage to buy their books at the School Book Sales should place their order with the booksellers before the end of the Session .
19 And when a decision comes down , it comes down unexplained to an officer who must continue his relationship with the polluter .
20 If you understand how such models work using proportions , you should find their use with other measures reasonably straightforward .
21 She may welcome your help with some of the business matters she has to deal with , too .
22 ‘ Not this time , ’ he said , ‘ I 'll bathe your ankle with warm water in a moment , and put some liniment on it . ’
23 Besides she 'll catch her death with just that little woolly cardy . ’
24 Still , the trip might buy him credit with the boss , unless he thought Cormack was a sycophantic idiot offering to take the things in the first place , which was equally likely .
25 That 's why I 've taken the liberty of preparing and enclosing a suggested Personal Itinerary , which incorporates an abundance of ways you might enjoy your stay with us …
26 I 'll line my stomach with something , so when it comes up later I 'll know that my stomach is empty .
27 i 'll bring my mate with me so then we just miss three ? are plans for such a game real ? ( joke i guess ? ) if so what kind of footwear should i bring over ?
28 ‘ I 'll get over there when I 've checked the mail , ’ Merrill cut in quickly , ‘ and I 'll bring your passport with me . ’
29 The crack that might flood your brain with light !
30 Vincent translated these to mean : Take my advice or I 'll use my influence with Theo to cut off your subsistence allowance .
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