Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Let's go , let's cover ourselves in glory — in Africa , ’ and his usually mild tones rose in indignation .
2 Acute , function-related pain is primarily sensory or peripheral , and may lend itself to treatment with analgesics directed to the involved organ .
3 Before leaving Dublin , I decided I ought to see something of County Louth .
4 This group 's only sin is their wry self-consciousness which falls smugly short of arrant narcissism ; the fey , running commentary implicit in their song-titles ( ‘ Rent ’ , ‘ Shopping ’ , ‘ Suburbia ’ , ‘ Opportunities [ Let's Make Lots of Money ] ’ ) signifies detachment , and finally alienation From the allure , the lush materiality of pop .
5 In the same way we may stress ourselves at work , causing ulcers , backache and nervous breakdowns in the process , but for what ?
6 Women are being asked detailed questions about their child-care arrangements , and failure to produce satisfactory answers may disqualify them from benefit .
7 Let's consider them in order .
8 Tell him that you have decided to wage unrestricted war ; that , from this moment on , he is fair game ; that you may attack him without warning at any time ; that he will be at risk whenever he is in or near the school or club where the bullying takes place .
9 An acquiring company may burden itself with responsibility for pollution , product liability and employers ' liability , where the liability accrued perhaps twenty or thirty years ago , but the claims are only now beginning .
10 The hon. Gentleman ought to bear it in mind that the rules are very clear .
11 You may need it as evidence to support your claim .
12 Those of us who enjoy them need only a name for each condition , so that we may discuss them in expectation and in recollection .
13 No the guests will not be in costume , we thought it was unfair that they should make them in costume .
14 And Jesus , in his conversation with the Samaritan woman who asked him where true worship happened , answered that " God is spirit and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth , " for " the time will come when neither here nor in Jerusalem will men worship " .
15 Like Arsenal , they are in form at the moment , so we must treat them with respect — but not too much . ’
16 The second was the decision of the American Supreme Court that they should divest themselves of monopoly control of the cinema chains which , as Heston said , was in hindsight a death blow which merely served to hasten the financial decline of each and every studio .
17 Recently , an electronic device has been marketed which gives advice on when you should expose yourself to daylight at your destination .
18 The drafter should regard it as part of his/her job to advise the business client on the adoption of proper procedures .
19 You should eat plenty of meat and fish while on the diet to ensure you get enough protein , and a vitamin and mineral supplement ( see p 330 ) may be necessary .
20 I should think they in case you would n't have been there would they ?
21 In a sense it was inevitable that Kelly should cover himself in glory .
22 Bought as an ‘ add-on ’ with a house contents policy for a few pounds a year , it should cover you for consumer , household and personal injury claims .
23 A detective chief super should immerse himself in bumf until the last trump sounds and like it .
24 He suggested , as I describe earlier , that the NHS should confine itself to health care , and local authorities should be responsible for social care .
25 These will get better and better and we should consider them as part of our thinking .
26 Those who , with some justification , criticise the lack of continuity within some primary schools , should consider it in comparison with the secondary school when viewed from the child 's viewpoint .
27 Perhaps , thought Robert , I should sentence him to death .
28 He should know something by close of play today .
29 If we are to understand the feeding habits of the species , therefore , we must consider it in relation to the whole ecology of the species , and its relations to other species .
30 You should free yourself from thinking of them .
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