Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [adj] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 By now you will have a good picture of the basic background , and armed with this knowledge you should feel confident enough to contemplate buying a rug .
2 You should do this only to compare one beer with another or one wine with another .
3 ‘ I think we must leave that up to Bicker .
4 As a result you should fell good enough to communicate your way through whatever problem presents itself , and bring about a fast resolution .
5 ( Except for English of course , which is the highlight of my day ) I thought I should put that in to please my English teacher and even up my grade .
6 Nor is it unreasonable to assume that given a sufficient respite they hoped that Britain 's own nuclear force might become strong enough to act as a deterrent to a Soviet attack on the home islands .
7 Now I have decided and I hope you 'll back that up to reduce our cracker production .
8 It might seem little enough to get an extra bus stop or pedestrian crossing , but those are real concerns for local people and such matters affect the way they regard you politically .
9 WE got so much that we had asked for from Norman Lamont yesterday that it might seem churlish not to give his Autumn Statement an unqualified welcome .
10 Sorry , to , I 'll say that again to fit front and rear lights during production thus cutting down the number of accidents involving cyclists not showing lights during the hours of darkness even farther .
11 Nevertheless , the proliferation that has occurred is serious , since it entails an acquisition of nuclear weaponry by states whose ruling groups may become desperate enough to use it .
12 Lord Dunpark 's interpretation would appear wide enough to cover all the five situations ( ( a ) — ( e ) ) described above ; the only possible exception would be where particular terms are altered , perhaps by word processor , for an individual contract , and the variation is substantial .
13 The first four bars of Ex. 6 would appear simple enough to arrange .
14 Although fond of Angelfish he realises that they would grow big enough to eat many of the other fish he likes , like Neon Tetras .
15 And here but name a word such in a Hebrew she falls in her fit and will discourse her learned genealogies as you would run mad too to hear her sir .
16 And then , it would take another however to implement any changes that they decided upon .
17 And then , when he was alone , he would get drunk enough to sleep without dreaming of his mother screaming .
18 He never dreamt that we would go to witness the execution or , even if we did , would get close enough to realise the man being burnt at the stake was not the same person we 'd questioned at Newgate .
19 Cannabis was widely used in the Middle East during this period , and it seems unlikely that the practice in itself would seem remarkable enough to cause any comment among Arabs .
20 Perhaps that would teach Donal not to meddle .
21 It may seem surprising nonetheless to claim that the infinitive event is represented as a mere potentiality in uses with the modal auxiliaries in past contexts such as : ( 9 ) When he was young , he could swim across the lake and back in 10 minutes .
22 It may seem grudging then to criticise the book for only including four essays on women 's visual images compared with seven pieces on different themes and genres in women 's writing .
23 Actually the Voice is Gandalf 's , as we might have guessed from its asperity , and as is anyway confirmed at II , 99 : it may seem fair enough to let a wizard oppose a necromancer .
24 I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support , and I hope that when my nest book is published they will feel confident enough to treat me just as a novelist and not as a problem . ’
25 In such an open system individuals will feel secure enough to question directly with everyone concerned whether the objective is realistic .
26 It 's important to choose a variety that will grow tall enough to reach the surface as you can not raise such plants on bricks .
27 At first , teachers will have to go through these stages quite carefully with the children , but eventually it is hoped that the children will become independent enough to use the system , or one like it , by themselves .
28 Ten per cent is a typical mark-up , while industry watchers Romtec believing the trend towards supermarket shopping for hardware will drive this down to stabilise at 4-5 per cent ( ie £40 on a £1,000 sale ) .
29 The intention is that the demonstration projects will prove attractive enough to stimulate other local authorities to follow suit .
30 However , the reader who has to look herself for these useful references will find much else to inform and entertain .
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