Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Budapest Municipality will pay half the cost of fitting a converter , but many may prefer to upgrade to new cars .
2 I 'd like you to tell your story to a couple of my colleagues and they may want to go into greater detail .
3 Although a spouse may be protected if he or she stays in the home , if the partner goes into permanent residential care , the spouse may want to move into smaller and more appropriate accommodation .
4 Erm so so you er may want to stop at eleven o'clock , or ten to eleven or whatever and watch the video .
5 If some unexpected problems are revealed by the disclosure letter , the acquirer may want to insist on special provisions or indemnities being included in the agreement .
6 At some stage the history teacher may want to tap into some of this .
7 In this case , you may want to opt for one of the newer washer/dryers that combine both facilities .
8 Pierre Alechinsky , at Emmerich until 24 April , may want to dash across 57th Street to see the ‘ Directors ’ Drawings ’ show at Pace .
9 Those who are interested in doubt only from a practical standpoint may want to pass from this definition of doubt as doublemindedness directly to an examination of the categories of doubt in part two .
10 You may need to turn to professional advice .
11 For instance , we may need to negotiate with political agitators but offer treatment to the dangerous psychopath .
12 Even a non-trading corporation may need to engage in various activities in pursuance of its objects .
13 If the patient has problems with his employer , he may need to apply for professional help through his social worker .
14 Alcohol Concern ( 1987 ) suggests that older people who have been regular drinkers may need to reduce by half the quantity of alcohol they consume .
15 Attention to surveillance and the rational use of primary and secondary resources are still needed , but as we try to add ‘ quality to quantity ’ we may need to look to social science as well as to epidemiology .
16 If current cultivars do not adapt , breeders may need to look for new varieties which cope better with milder winters .
17 Interest cover , for example , would not be so appropriate — the shareholder would be more interested in dividends and may need to look at alternative investment opportunities as well as the possibility of selling their shares at this stage given the results of Belper .
18 The coding frame for each question should have been constructed at the pilot stage except for open questions where we may need to look at all responses to decide on groupings .
19 The setting is more precise with horizontal heaters ; you may need to experiment with vertical heaters .
20 Commuters read paperbacks as they sit in trains , but find that they may need to rest from this activity more frequently than when they are reading in a comfortable and well-lit place at home .
21 Similarly , within any stage , different agencies may need to focus on different aspects .
22 In such circumstances it is natural that Ministers should want to implement without undue delay policies for changes in the legal framework of the criminal law and for dealing with offenders which they may have espoused before coming to power .
23 For the moment , at least , I should prefer to rely on that process of negotiation rather than on anything else .
24 There is less reason to baulk at the term referent , although a referent is , by definition , something outside language , and although we should prefer to speak of syntactic entities in order to keep in harmony with the assumptions we have been following throughout this text ; however the latter are the linguistic correlates of what are perceived as extra-linguistic referents , and the patterns of intensional relations are exactly the same whether there is an external referent or not .
25 On the one hand , we must use all possible means to regain old markets , to , open new ones up , and to encourage international trade on the basis of the division of labour ; and on the other , we must endeavour to awaken in British industry a spirit of joint endeavour … .
26 I must prepare to say at this point that I have a special report on the Colville Road area to er er committee , not just on the now but I think we probably need to have further consultation with regard to the needs in that area .
27 Those who believe that the family is a major force for good in our society should strive to move against this social trend .
28 On a practical and tactical level it suggests that groups with common aspirations should seek to engage in broadly-based political alliances to further their shared interests , through a combination of lobbying , pressure-group activity and litigation .
29 Both documents seek to identify the skills and understandings which their respective subjects should seek to achieve at different stages of schooling .
30 The different approaches , evident in the House of Lords , demonstrate the compromise which the law must seek to achieve between two extreme propositions : first , that the goods be merchantable for every purpose , which is harsh on the seller ; and second , that they be merchantable for any one of the purposes , which is adverse to the buyer .
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