Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Surely someone should have checked out the complaints more carefully . ’
2 Carlo believes , and rightly so , that the British Government should have carried out an environmental study before the route was chosen , not afterwards .
3 The cavern was so huge that Benny thought they must have hollowed out the entire mountain .
4 The police must have carried out a very thorough search of the premises and she said , threw the book at my client .
5 Someone must have torn out the right hand page . "
6 The rose which mantled the house must have put out a thousand flowers and these were at the peak of their blooming , not a petal yet shed , each blossom the pink of a shell within and the pink of coral on its outer side .
7 Even if that figure were now to be drastically reduced orthodox interpretations of the fossil evidence together with orthodox evolutionary theory would require that the last generalized man/ape , the " missing link " of the early Darwinian imagination , must have died out an exceedingly long time ago .
8 By then I 'll have worked out a plan to get us back behind our own lines . ’
9 I 'll have dried out a bit by the time I get to the cottage , and I do n't really want to go all the way back to the farm after I 've come this far . ’
10 I might have checked out the financial aspects of buying into the station , but one thing I 've learned over the years is that you can never do too much research .
11 An alternative explanation for Abu Nidal involvement was the suggestion that his group might have carried out the killings on behalf of the Iraqi regime ; this version depended on the suggestion that Abu Iyad , while publicly backing the PLO 's pro-Iraqi line , was expressing reservations about it to Arafat in private .
12 Or in North Africa , having left the 11th Field Regiment , he might have sat out the rest of the war in luxury , gaining rank through time and , come the Peace , have been a live major instead of a dead lieutenant .
13 He was sure , not only because he could have written out a set of instructions there and then , if he had had any paper , but because he could imagine all the minute details of doing those things .
14 Here he could have seen out the war , but he , and Reg Wallace , another RAF evader , ‘ escaped ’ into France and joined the Maquis .
15 It was impossible that anyone could have torn out a brick through the wallpaper .
16 Maybe that way she could have coaxed out a little information about his affair with Elise .
17 ‘ I 'd have got out the padded shoulders and the four-inch heels had I known you were going to appear looking like someone whom Central Casting had sent to play — ’ her gaze flicked over his well-groomed appearance and immaculate suit ‘ — the Wall Street tycoon , ’ she said astringently .
18 Alternatively he may have sent out a notice of appointment .
19 Even though the writer may have planned out the essay and a line of argument , this is not a very successful beginning .
20 It may have wiped out the Minoan civilization in Crete .
21 They too may have wiped out an earlier people , even more idyllic in their life-style .
22 The sceptic might , at this point , complain that while I may have sketched out the functionalist position , I have not provided any convincing arguments as to why one should believe it .
23 Vincent Cannistraro , chief of operations at the Central Intelligence Agency 's counter-terrorism centre at the time of the bombing , said there was evidence Iran may have hired out the operation to both Libya and to the Syria-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) .
24 ‘ Then Robert would have stamped out the flames and carried me still smouldering into the thicket . ’
25 ‘ Pray , sir , may I ask you , do you think that if St. Paul happened to be travelling with us and had passed the place where he was born , that he would have pointed out the fact to us ? ’
26 It certainly would have straightened out a lot of Brunel 's more tortuous routes !
27 But his idea of a merger was quite different from the Allied proposal , which would have ruled out the possibility of a provisional French government and subordinated de Gaulle to Giraud .
28 Hayman would have sent out the single team , confident that they would handle the job quickly and efficiently .
29 Pity he lopped the fringe for the rangers match , maybe it would have filtered out the floodlights a bit better
30 A year or two ago I would have believed him , and maybe the truth would have come out a few months later .
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