Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] at the " in BNC.

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1 We should have eaten at the pub .
2 I said , if you 'd have said what you should have said at the bloody tribunal .
3 I think we should have said at the first the very first lesson , they just ploughed straight into did n't they ?
4 Perhaps I should have said at the beginning , although I hope it 's obvious , that the speaker of this poem is , of course , coming back to the town where he was born .
5 The tall beans should have gone at the back .
6 The fire which should have flared at the entrance was a pile of wet ash and the oil-topped torches were extinguished .
7 It is hardly surprising that he should have jumped at the chance of establishing his ‘ Samba school ’ in Paris .
8 I think I should have stayed at the old school where they had confidence in me .
9 We should have realized at the time that in the emergency of AD 196 there would not have been time to build walls round town defences .
10 If you really wanted to learn something you should have started at the top .
11 I should have screamed at the start — whenever the start could now be said to be .
12 idea of the theory , which is something that probably should have come at the beginning but it does n't matter too much .
13 Both groups should have reported at the end of 1982 , though engineering will take longer , and other subject groups will be set up in due course .
14 Then , alone there in his room , I began to laugh , as I should have laughed at the time .
15 The expectation that the new borrowings will be available , if required , must have existed at the balance sheet date and this expectation should be reviewed in the light of any post balance sheet events to ensure it remains reasonable on the date the financial statements are approved by the directors .
16 It was easy to imagine what relief the miners must have felt at the end of a long day 's work in those conditions when they saw the mouth of the tunnel framing the daylight before them .
17 But they 're going to develop a ride which will recreate how it must have felt at the time .
18 It screwed me up thinking how the invalid 's hopes must have soared at the sound of my entry , and how she must now be falling into deeper and deeper misery because of the silence and the nothing happening .
19 I rather think that the RN instructors on my course must have suffered at the hands of the Customs on returning from a foreign tour as they really gave us a hard time .
20 You 're laughing bravely , it must have hurt at the time .
21 I pulled out the stool which Billy must have sat at the desk on , and began to rifle through things in no particular order .
22 And new Manager , Denis Smith , must have exploded at the way his defenders dillied and dallied and never got to the ball on time .
23 He , too , suffered from an occasional enlightening vision which came to him from the dim past and which he must have suppressed at the time …
24 They may feel discouraged at the magnitude of the task before them , and gain a sense of achievement and control by isolating parts and dealing with them thoroughly .
25 No , I thought it might 've said at the back and Dinosaur
26 Any relief Widnes might have felt at the non-appearance of the injured Meninga after half-time evaporated when Myler departed with a head wound a minute after the restart .
27 Just once , as the waves came up over her feet , she hesitated and gave a short gasp , as anyone might have done at the sudden cold .
28 ‘ I suppose they might have done at the beginning , ’ he said , ‘ but by the time I can remember we had become part of the place really .
29 She might have stayed at the home for years — people do .
30 At the same time it assured that those who , under weaker leadership , might have suffered at the hands of armies , could live in greater security .
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