Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I should have realised the two of you were n't a couple , ’ Vitor reflected , when he had finished his sandwiches .
2 Pride , surely , should have prompted the two teams to prove their League positions were deserved .
3 After this lesson you should have known the five shapes plus the five associated chord shapes around which the scale fingerings lie .
4 He said someone who was in the area last Friday night or in the early hours of Saturday must have seen the two attackers .
5 He said someone who was in the area last Friday night or early on Saturday must have seen the two attackers .
6 Unfortunately , other forms of assessment do not lend themselves to precise measures of test-retest reliability and the clinician may need to judge how far situational factors might have influenced the two assessments .
7 Good co-ordinated fire might have wrecked the two galleys , and she could have got on course before Crackbene arrived .
8 She might have found the dozen tiles , but now she had to retrieve them .
9 Unbelievably , the court was told that they would not help the defence case — a demonstrable falsehood that could have landed the three in jail .
10 Without this revival before 1914 it is difficult to see how the parry could have survived the ten turbulent years that followed .
11 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
12 Yes , you could have seen the 1916 Russian epic , King Vidor 's 1955 version with Henry Fonda and Audrey Hepburn , Granada TV 's 1963 Emmy winner , Sergei Bondartchuk 's seven hour effort of 1964 , and in 1972 Rupert Davies and Anthony Hopkins in the BBC version .
13 However , it seems likely that they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation since it merely requires a local authority to provide sewerage wherever it can but within the bounds of reason and by no means universally .
14 We could have chosen the three least vascular areas but then the counts would n't have been , would have been much more difficult . .
15 If I was Wyatt Earp I 'd have shot the four of them .
16 Another was the level of nitrates in water : up to 100 UK supplies may have breached the 50 mg/litre level between 1985 and 1989 .
17 This was probably a consequence of British membership of WEU , but Britain 's recent agreement to a treaty of association with the ECSC may have led the Six again to think optimistically of a British change of heart .
18 Police hoped this would jog the memories of people who may have seen the two .
19 Or they may have charged the five hundred at twenty five percent in which case they need n't then make any adjustment on his code .
20 You may have drawn the two figures on page 109 before .
21 Though there had been in the years leading up to 1832 theoretical choice between these two ways forward , towards political democracy or towards industrial democracy , few would have distinguished the two so sharply before the passage of the Reform Bill .
22 Oh no I would have played the nine anyway .
23 For two pins there and then she would have summoned the two black-jacketed men who stood sentry on the door every evening , ready to eject any troublemakers .
24 The former was never seriously in the running , for it would have involved the demolition of the caretaker 's house and garage , removed the First Forms ' playground and provided no new classrooms : indeed , if built , it would have rendered the 1937 extension itself too dark for further use .
25 Her husband , Uncle George , and their two daughters , Maggie and Marie , were like her , extremely short — not one of them would have reached the five foot mark .
26 Labour 's trade and industry spokesman Robin Cook accused senior ministers of suppressing documents which would have acquitted the three Matrix Churchill executives of sanctions busting .
27 Many years ago at Cadeby , the outpost of all that is Great Western , it was suggested that the locomotive naming group at Swindon works would have named the 4–4–0 locomotive ‘ Duchy of Cornwall ’ , but with tongue in cheek decided on TRE POL PEN instead , as something of a compliment to that delightful district of the West Country .
28 If it was important for an individual animal to be able to distinguish between other zebras , evolution would have led the three patterns away from one another to a greater degree .
29 The Assembly on Jan. 21 voted against acceptance of Havel 's constitutional reform , which would have guaranteed the two republics ( the Czech Lands and Slovakia ) the right of veto over any new constitution .
30 I would have thought the three , the first three , the first would of been three , right , but still , you know we want
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