Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [noun pl] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On Nov. 27 the Federal Court ruled that the half-canton of Appenzell-Innerrhoden should grant women the vote at cantonal and communal level with immediate effect , a decision breaching the last bastion of all-male suffrage in Europe .
2 Assuming that a path can be found through the sometimes difficult terrain of the language , this book should show students the advantages to be gained from a collapse of boundaries between the disciplines of art and politics , and from a policy of inclusion rather than exclusion .
3 Lance Gardner , who works at the Castlefields Health Centre , Runcorn , in Cheshire , says the arrangement should give nurses the recognition they deserve for the work they do .
4 In relation to the latter category , the Secretary of State should give MPAs the power to revoke or substantially amend permissions without any compensation where working is/would :
5 According to Control Data , this should give customers the chance to use the most suitable medium for their requirements .
6 According to Control Data , this should give customers the chance to use the most suitable medium for their requirements .
7 In particular , they should give pupils the opportunity to gain some experience of the works of Shakespeare .
8 In particular , they should give pupils the opportunity to gain some experience of the works of Shakespeare .
10 When they are tired , exhausted or not feeling well they may envy patients the care they give them .
11 But the danger is that if relief is too often refused on such grounds it may give decision-makers the signal that it does not really matter whether they act within the law or not , so long as the decision is ‘ right ’ .
12 We 'll have potatoes the kitchen .
13 Irrespective of whether an agreement or arrangement has been notified to the Commission or a complaint made , it is open to the Commission to launch its own investigation in relation to any agreement , practice or other activity which it may suspect infringes the competition rules .
14 He also noted how photographs could contain details the photographer had not observed at the time that the lens was focused and the exposure was made .
15 But it is Michael Jackson 's deal which may set precedents the music business will later regret .
16 1.7 Example ( 26 ) shows us the second and less common relation contributing to the unfolding of syntactic structures , which we shall call equation , adopting the obvious symbol to represent it : ( 26 ) Fitzpatrick , our neighbour , used to plant potatoes the subject exemplifies the basic pattern [ E = E ] , ( as does the underlined portion of ( 22 ) ) ; in more exact terms , what we have in this subject phrase is : As we have just remarked , equational phrases are rarer than phrases involving qualification ; and , among them , there is a very large disproportion in favour of equation between E and E , rather than between P and P. Nevertheless , the latter can be found ; two examples would be : ( 28 ) what I need is a cup of strong , dark coffee for a fast , convenient trip to the city , take the Skytram This is clearly not to say that strong and dark , or fast and convenient , are equivalent at the type level ; only that on some particular occasion of use , as here , they may be regarded by speaker , or copywriter , as equivalent .
17 They would need accelerators the size of our galaxy , several hundred thousand light years across .
18 The opening in time for August Bank Holiday Monday , possibly the busiest day of the year for Darlington shops , would give businesses the chance to establish themselves before the pre-Christmas onslaught in mid October .
19 If more women breastfed they say , it would give others the encouragement to go ahead , both inside and outside the home .
20 Counsel suggests that if municipal corporations have the right to sue for libel this right would give municipalities the power to suppress legitimate and proper criticism by threats of legal proceedings .
21 A local income tax would give councils the power to jeopardise Britain 's belated conversion to a belief in low direct taxation .
22 2 ) the Campaign for freedom of Information is trying to promote a bill which would give patients the right to see their own medical records .
23 The Charter would give workers the right to join a trade union and union recognition from their employer .
24 If he believed Maureen would run things the way he wanted and her father might blunder into a union trap and have the paper shut down and he would have nowhere to publish his views , then he might have killed MacQuillan ? ’
25 He jealously guarded the secrets of the future and Afterworld , though he would offer warriors the chance to play dice , gambling for the gift of immortality .
26 Yet they would deny others the right to reject their filth .
27 Scott , who joined the building society in January from the Midland Bank , intends to launch a savings product which he says ‘ will give customers the opportunity to mix their own savings product .
28 We will give shareholders the right to vote upon all political donations made by public companies , require donations to political parties to be declared in a public register , require the accounts of political parties to be published and , as recommended by the Houghton Report , introduce state aid for political parties .
29 The squad , which will benefit from fitness and training programmes set up by recently appointed British Athletics Olympic National Coach , Frank Dick , is to be coached by former British No. 6 Teresa Catlin , and is seen as being a vehicle that will give youngsters the opportunity to feed through into the Main squad .
30 Exploratory will give visitors the opportunity to discover why mirrors invert sideways but not up and down , to measure their heart rates while pedalling a bicycle and to re-enact Galileo 's experiments with falling weights on inclined planes .
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