Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 Yes Chairman I 'd like to second that and just to erm say very briefly that er erm I , I very much welcome the report and the speed with which the Chief Officer is seen to have addressed most of the issues there are one or two bits that , that were of course were in fact posters , posters er be dealt with erm I have to say I still have some concern erm that the Chief Fire Officer and his team are so well supported on a very broad front on their decision making and their professionalism and yet on other matters of sound advice which has been given by er who are turned aside and just simply not given the proper consideration that they should have as in that er respect Chairman and I , I , I have some concern , erm it , it would not surprise me indeed if the , Her Majesty 's Inspector of er er brigades , when he comes round himself , has some comment to make on that since I think he 's expectations as well are almost as high as mine is .
2 number six er what this is basically saying is we want to do two point history structural maintenance erm fire drill but anything that 's been taken out of this budget in that area , we should replace by from that .
3 When I went to what was in effect not merely the memorial of the fifty aft after fifty two years of the people , but of course really the funeral service of the pit and when I went to that here was the chance to dedicate that also , we did it actually at the Memorial Garden where all the pit people are buried and that is right you see , picking up out of the past not sticking in the past , and arranging it as you might say as in that banner to move on into the future .
4 The only place she could disappear into in that space of time was Marshall 's cottage .
5 And i the bobbins an and that used to run across like that , the shuttle always used to run across like that
6 And i the bobbins an and that used to run across like that , the shuttle always used to run across like that
7 I would like to in that context , I would like to ask both Mr and Mr as question .
8 Erm my starting point on all of that is the development issues report that erm we put to our members in May of this year where we discussed the issue of strategic exceptions policies and how we would deal with with that sort of approach in in the local plan .
9 And then carry on and you you try that and see what you can do with with that .
10 well you can do without without that hassle , I mean , with a relationship you 've got a good
11 Well also just my experience , my own experience with the developments of and the evolution of the policies in Kuwait coming at working at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research , there were many erm studies conducted at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research and the other institute , The Social erm Political Institute , and they were the main of that was the probe through all these policies and through these institutions we have in Kuwait and try to improve it to a standard that the Kuwaiti people and the neighbouring country can benefit from at that .
12 The best you can hope for in that game is a draw — you ai n't gon na win .
13 ‘ Metal 's the only form of rebellious music you can get into at that age , ’ expounds the singer .
14 No we can get by on that .
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