Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Just to kind of get a feel of that importance , erm let's think about some categories of communication which we may not use verbal channels for very much , okay ?
2 The reactions you may experience to these drinks and chocolate , having cleansed your system of them or more importantly having overcome any addiction you may have had , may include : migraine headache irritability depression anxiety shaky nervous feeling increased passage of urine mental overactivity insomnia weight gain .
3 This technique may also provide valuable information on the pathogenesis of cerebral embolism , and our case shows the large number of apparently symptomless emboli that may arise in such patients .
4 Many topics may arise from such conversations , many happy and formative memories can be rekindled .
5 Ethnicity is not , however , always marked by linguistic distinctiveness , Labov 's work with Italian and Jewish speakers in New York City shows that such distinctiveness may persist for several generations , or conversely may disappear with the first generation of native-born speakers who nevertheless maintain a strong sense of ethnicity ( Labov 1972b : 281 ) .
6 Although the clinical signs are abating the bronchi are still inflamed and residual lesions such as bronchial and peribronchial fibrosis may persist for several weeks or months .
7 Climbing expeditions into the peaks themselves have also left behind piles of rubbish , and Cullen ( 1986 ) points out that the problem is compounded by the fact that in such a high Alpine environment decomposition rates are very slow so that discarded materials may persist for several years if not decades .
8 The research examines the available literature on the processes of accountability which may exist within such arrangements .
9 This book is reasonably priced and may appeal to some undergraduates .
10 On such surfaces larvae may survive for some weeks .
11 A customer may buy from several competitors in a given field ; a supplier will invariably supply to more than one business and yet , depending on the facts , the employer may be able to argue that these connections are sufficiently special .
12 The males of species that are polygynous ( in which successful males may mate with many females during a single breeding season ) have larger antlers or teeth than the males of similar size from monogamous species , which do not fight so hard for mates .
13 Polygyny , often combined with a degree of polyandry ( as each female may mate with several males ) , is the commonest breeding system , being found in most arthropods , fish , amphibians , reptiles and mammals .
14 In pure polyandry , each male mates with only one female , but a female ( if successful ) may mate with several males .
15 The more that is done , therefore , to ensure that anti-racist training is task-related rather than theoretical , the more workers may opt for these courses ‘ voluntarily ’ .
16 I must think of some things for him to do , ’ says Elizabeth .
17 The high correlation between accident estimate and risk rating observed , r(46)=0.75 , p<0.01 , may reflect the objective correlation that should exist between these measures or it may simply be that subjects were not completely successful in dissociating the two scales .
18 It 's now been agreed that while modules with less demanding outcomes should exist in many areas of the catalogue , these modules should not be separately listed or be labelled in a way which implies restricted use .
19 This problem was also before the Roman lawyers and it must exist in all systems of law .
20 Any activities we introduce should build on these principles .
21 Again , the profession has been brought to recognise that dishonesty is not just sole practitioner problem and that measures to combat default must relate to all sizes of practice .
22 The studies reached a common conclusion that some physical failures or individual errors can be foreseen , and that improved organisation and management should compensate for such errors .
23 They just say , ‘ Well you should think of those things before you get into trouble .
24 There 'll be a great big clamour I sho I should think for those seats !
25 Family planning and health programmes should focus upon such women to gain their acceptance of family planning and their understanding of its benefits for themselves and their children .
26 Governments should concentrate on such matters .
27 We should concentrate on fewer things , but do them professionally .
28 It should appeal to all historians of science .
29 Edward II 's reign saw a battle not just over royal taxes of the clergy , but about the body which should assent to these taxes .
30 It is therefore important that the nurse should know about these habits and use the knowledge to devise an individualised plan of nursing .
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