Example sentences of "[subord] can [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The EEC countries are now producing more of nearly all agricultural products than can be consumed or profitably exported .
2 If you are ill you may want to write a letter than can be read and re-read in the future .
3 From the nucleotide sequence the amino acid sequence of the protein it codes for can be determined and this provides an excellent starting point for finding out the role of the protein in development .
4 Within the six ‘ occupational status ’ categories ( see Table 6.2 ) the pattern of partisanship was also quite clear , although in fact at the ‘ manual'/ ‘ non-manual ’ divide there was a clearer break in terms of partisanship than in terms of ‘ class ’ identification , as can be seen if Table 6.2 is compared with Table 6.3 .
5 Use of the e.p.s.p. mean and variance to estimate P and v 1 is invalid if the amplitude distribution is bimodal , as can be produced if there are failures of stimulation .
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