Example sentences of "[subord] not to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A century and a half later , of course , many new fossil discoveries and much critical analysis have greatly advanced our understanding of dinosaurs , although not to the extent that the controversy and emotion first stirred up by Owen has entirely abated .
2 The chains generally concentrated in particular regions , although not to the extent of local monopoly .
3 Common action on issues at a local level seemed threatened , but at no time did the war seriously compromise the determination of labour leaders to defend living conditions ; in many instances the struggle was intensified , although not to the point of sabotaging the war effort .
4 Revamped neofascist parties , such as the DVU , also rely upon primarily electoral strategies , although not to the exclusion of courting skinheads or expediting violence .
5 He would try to gain access to the palace , if not to the houses of Ipuky and Reni .
6 The Court of Appeal had ruled that whether or not such material might be ‘ beneficial to those who were sexually repressed or perverted or deviant ’ did not make its publication ‘ an object of general concern ’ , since otherwise any form of pornography could be defended on the ground that it was beneficial to some people , if not to the public at large .
7 Watkins L.J. , at p. 82 , asked where else the Home Secretary could look for guidance as to retribution and deterrence , if not to the judges .
8 In general , areas of tabular relief seem best suited to the preservation , if not to the formation , of incised meanders , e.g. the Mesozoic areas of the Paris Basin and the lower Wye gorge , although why this should be so is not certain .
9 Orders for discovery rarely are made in criminal appeals and , when made , generally go , if not to the prosecution , then , as here , to a statutory body .
10 Wilfrid , however , reacted passionately , if not to the partition of his diocese then to his expulsion and to the bishops who were appointed from communities other than his own — Eata , who had been obliged to leave a new monastic foundation at Ripon to make way for Wilfrid in Ealhfrith 's time , now consecrated bishop in Bernicia with his see at Wilfrid 's monastic foundation at Hexham ; Eadhaed , a former companion of Chad ( HE 111 , 28 ) , bishop of Lindsey ; and Bosa , trained at Whitby where the community under Abbess Hild had opposed acceptance of the Roman Easter at the council of Whitby , bishop of Deira at York ( HE IV , 12 ) .
11 Despite his pessimism , the Prince has , of course , made a considerable difference , if not to the world , then certainly to a number of individuals living in it .
12 For the Iraqis , the appeal was mainly the converse : it was a means of pushing armour , if not to the outskirts of Tehran itself , at least towards other important targets on the way , such as Kermanshah ( now renamed Bakhtaran ) and Hamadan .
13 To the public at large , if not to the combatants on the right and left , it seemed that the high tide of British Fascism had come and gone .
14 It was apparent to Theodora , if not to the Inspector , that they simply did not know .
15 All this , I argued , is at least suggestive about how we can have some form of access to the superficial form , say of our walking ( i.e. to the gross sequence of movements , if not to the nerves ) , and can impose a new walking ‘ strategy ’ to which we will then in due course ( after an analogue of compilation ) again lose access .
16 She had many upper garments of different materials and styles which she changed according not to the weather but to her mood : she had large woollen jumpers and little skimpy vests , lacy or patterned blouses and voluminous T-shirts ; shirts of chiffon and shirts of linen .
17 The barracks known as Allenby — though not to the locals — ; were pre-1939 Wehrmacht buildings , very solid and spacious but a little worn by now .
18 These cartels would protect industry against any post-war slump , and in return industry would co-operate with government economic policy , though not to the point of accepting restrictions on profits or investment .
19 Jobs may thus , in many instances , have been de-skilled to the extent that management has tighter control through fragmenting the tasks and more tightly specifying what should be done , though not to the extent of eliminating craft workers from the job .
20 Both Dalton and Alexander , the First Lord of the Admiralty , argued at meetings of the committee that Germany should be deprived of war-making industries , though not to the extent of the ‘ pastoralisation ’ proposed by Henry Morgenthau , the US Secretary of the Treasury , and accepted for a time by Churchill and Roosevelt at their meeting at Quebec in September 1944 .
21 Just out of sight and sound of Dorchester lies a quiet park on whose rising ground the Palladian house stands , built all of a piece in 1754 , though not to the mansion proportions its creator could have well afforded .
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