Example sentences of "[subord] with the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such direct methods were hardly possible except with the backing of military power .
2 no steps may be taken to enforce any security over the company 's property , or to repossess goods in the company 's possession under any hire purchase agreement ( defined widely and including conditional sale agreements , chattel leasing and retention of title agreements ) , except with the leave of the court and subject to such terms as the court may impose ;
3 no other proceedings , or execution or other legal process may be commenced or continued , and no distress may be levied against the company or its property except with the leave of the court and subject to such terms as the court may impose .
4 The trustee must not , except with the leave of the court , proceed to declare a dividend whilst there is pending any application to the court to reverse or vary a decision of his on a proof or to expunge a proof or to reduce the amount claimed ( r 11.5(2) ) .
5 These are as follows : ( 1 ) When the pleadings are deemed to be closed ; ( a ) there shall be discovery of documents within 28 days , and inspection within seven days thereafter , in accordance with para ( 5 ) ; ( b ) except with the leave of the court or where all parties agree ; ( i ) no expert evidence may be adduced at the trial unless the substance of that evidence has been disclosed to the other parties in the form of a written report within ten weeks ; and ( ii ) subject to para ( 7 ) , the number of expert witnesses of any kind shall be limited to two ; ( c ) photographs and sketch plans and , in an action for personal injuries , the contents of any police accident report book shall be receivable in evidence at the trial and shall be agreed if possible ; ( d ) unless a day has already been fixed , the plaintiff shall within six months request the proper officer to fix a day for the hearing and r 12 shall apply where such request is made .
6 Candidates shall not be admitted to an examination later than half-an-hour after it has commenced , except with the permission of the senior invigilator .
7 Candidates may not leave an examination until half-an-hour after it has commenced , or within the last ten minutes , except with the permission of the senior invigilator .
8 Except with the permission of the senior invigilator , no person other than the candidates for the examination and other invigilators shall be allowed in the examination room .
9 This tripartite intervention left a legacy of resentment in Japan , a bitterness at being unable to retain concessions fairly won in war except with the sanction of other powers .
10 Mrs Kemp 's lawyer , Robert Shaw , believed that , since the law which governs Reporters and their duties provides that a Reporter may nut be removed from office except with the consent of the Secretary of State , this would also prohibit suspension .
11 There they had sworn not to make peace with their father except with the consent of the King and barons of France .
12 no other step may be taken to enforce any security over the company 's property or to repossess goods in the company 's possession under any hire purchase agreement , except with the consent of the administrator or the leave of the court and subject ( where the court gives leave ) to such terms as the court may impose ;
13 no other proceedings , and no execution or other legal process may be commenced or continued , and no distress may be levied against the company or its property except with the consent of the administrator or the leave of the court and subject ( where the court gives leave ) to such terms as the court imposes ;
14 Vessels ( which for this purpose include hovercraft , submersible apparatus and installations in transit ) are prohibited from entering or remaining in the safety zone except with the consent of the Secretary of State or in the circumstances mentioned in Article 2(2) of the Order . ’
15 Thus Saint-Pierre specified that existing frontiers were not to be changed in any way , and that no exchanges of territory were to take place or treaties between States to be made except with the consent of the federation which he wished to create .
16 A Transfer Notice once given shall not be revocable except with the consent of the Directors and except as provided in paragraph ( 2 ) below .
17 A Transfer Notice once given shall not be revocable except with the consent of the Directors and except as provided in paragraph ( 2 ) below .
18 Such an order can prohibit the cutting down , topping , or lopping of trees except with the consent of the local planning authority .
19 This is now to be seen as a major disadvantage in the position of an expert , and if an expert is selected as the appropriate machinery for resolving disputes , questions of law should be excluded from his remit except with the consent of the parties .
20 ( b ) except with the consent of the Panel , must be conditional only upon the offeror obtaining sufficient acceptances to give it more than 50 per cent of the target company 's voting rights .
21 However , there are a few significant differences : ( 1 ) An offeror and its concert parties must not purchase any further shares in the target for 12 months after the end of the offer period except with the consent of the Panel , following a successful partial offer .
22 ( 2 ) Except with the consent of the Panel , the offer document must describe how the offer is to be financed , the source of that finance , the names of the principal lenders or arrangers of the finance and , if the financing or any security for it will depend to any significant extent on the business of the target , the arrangements concerned ( or a negative statement ) ( Rule 24.2(d) — see para below ) .
23 After an announcement of a firm intention to make an offer has been made the offeror must , except with the consent of the Panel , proceed with the posting of the offer document ( which must occur within 28 days ) unless the posting is subject to a specific pre-condition which has not been satisfied ( Rules 2.7 and 30.1 ) .
24 In both the total population and among younger men periodontal disease and oral hygiene were more strongly associated with total mortality than with the incidence of coronary heart disease .
25 The conclusions of this Lecture are perhaps concerned more with developments in economic theory than with the incidence of taxation , and we have emphasized throughout the Lectures that the study of taxation can be no more soundly based than the models that are employed ( explicitly or implicitly ) .
26 This quality is lacking in departments such as the Treasury or the Foreign Office which are pre-occupied more with policies than with the handling of individual cases .
27 In June 1964 a law transformed RTF into O ( for ‘ Office ’ ( RTF's ' This law had more to do with the organizational needs of a body attempting to adjust to the expansion of broadcasting than with the issue of political control .
28 Finally , the dilemmas associated with abuse have more to do with anxiety over taking a moral position than with the complexity of the subject .
29 Because Statementing is concerned with the allocation of resources rather than with the identification of needs strict limits are placed on the power of parents to affect the Statementing process .
30 Even less than with the designation of the polytechnics was the CNAA in the 1970s confronting a policy-driven situation .
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