Example sentences of "[subord] you [vb base] him [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The guy relays how he 's been fantasising about you while with his new girlfriend , so you invite him over to do the wild thing .
2 So you cut him down ? ’ he asked .
3 If you get him back , that is . ’
4 If you bring him down about
5 Blencowe responded , ‘ … let him spoil on ; he has a pleasure in thinking he earns his daily bread at four score years and ten ; but if you turn him off , he will soon die with grief ’ [ Baker , 1 , 639 ] .
6 You can bump him off now you know , from the fifth of January cos you get thirty thousand quid if you bump him off .
7 If you cut him up and pulled him out of your body — which is what they do — ’
8 By Wednesday he might be a lot better if you keep him in .
9 I can imagine what he 'll think if you ring him up and say you 've found me weeping over my special patient !
10 If you want him in , that 's fair enough , Ray .
11 And if you want him back , ’ she added with a final hoot , and a swish of her sluttish robe , ‘ you have till the next full moon , and no longer ! ’
12 ‘ So , if you want him back you 'd better sign here .
13 Then you have to pay another forfeit if you leave him in .
14 shut the door , shut the door , before you wake him up
15 When you take him out for his first walk on the lead , it is always nicer if an older dog accompanies you .
16 Well why bother when you tell him off ?
17 That sounds really bad on the tape when you beat him up .
18 When you call him out , describe what you think the fault is , and give him the make and model number of your boiler if possible .
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