Example sentences of "[subord] we [vb base] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Surviving written texts thus reflect ( directly or indirectly ) the concerns of a much larger proportion of the population than we have evidence for in the period before the ninth century .
2 ‘ We are non-denominational so we give services for everyone , Methodists , Church of England and Catholics alike .
3 I was making the point that if we judge concern for safety by the money spent on it , then by any measurement or definition , it is a sad indictment of the official concern expressed in the 1980s .
4 If we write k for the ratio of capital to labour measured in efficiency units ( i.e. , capital per effective man ) , then the basic equation governing growth over time ( the analogue of ( 8–11 ) ) is
5 If we write T for 3 or 4 , and S for 1 or 2 , then any infinite sequence of Ts and Ss has one and only one representation in Is , 2s , 3s and 4s which obeys the Fig. 6.6 rules .
6 If we write v for x , the equation of motion may be written as the first-order pair unc or , when{ x , v } is proportional to expt , unc This requires unc Giving of course the eigenvalues unc for each of which unc is simply degenerate .
7 If we provide information which is already known to the receiver , then we are too long-winded ; if we take knowledge for granted , we are too brief .
8 But if we demand to be paid for it , if we demand Wages for Housework from the State , we are saying first of all that housework is work … we are saying that we women need money of our own — if we were n't forced to depend on men for money , we would n't have to put their needs before ours , to service them sexually , physically , emotionally … we say TO BRING UP CHILDREN IS WORK and we want a WAGE for all the work we do — whether cleaning offices OR homes , producing electrical parts OR babies .
9 Before we get candles for mummy 's cake
10 Before we seek authorisation for the production phase , it will be necessary for each nation to restate or modify it 's planned off take and that will be done very firmly on the basis of the studies which er Group Captain Granville White has already d described which will factor in er against our military tasks , which is , y you know we define now fairly clearly , er exactly what aircraft are needed to undertake those tasks in what scenarios and in the future er as you say , there may well be scope for er adding additional aircraft types to that .
11 Before we consider results for , it is worth mentioning briefly what numerical solutions show for .
12 In algebra a similar thing happens when we substitute numbers for letters .
13 When we make love for the second time this throbbing afternoon it is like lingering over liqueurs by a log fire .
14 ‘ It is now our number one venue when we make application for world events .
15 We consider the use of test results by decision makers in the next section , and by teachers later when we consider criteria for judging testing as an accountability procedure .
16 Yet the paradox is that we only use the word hypocrisy when we have reasons for believing that we have found the thing itself .
17 For , with some qualifications which do not much affect the main point , he suggests that when we give reasons for an ethical statement we are typically making factual claims acceptance of which we hope will cause others to have the attitude it expresses and he distinguishes this sharply from the case where one statement gives some kind of logical or rational support to another .
18 What is going on when we give reasons for our beliefs or actions ?
19 That 's not a way of fudging some other cost , the retained fire fighters are recompensed when we provide training for them , because they normally have to lose work or whatever .
20 We shall not only survive but continue to grow so long as we give value for money , retain our record of innovation and flexibility , keep the confidence and goodwill of our clients and ensure that we have the best possible range of materials , methods and people in the industry .
21 We also face demands for the culling of whales , as we face demands for the culling of seals and wild boar in Italy , because they eat things we want .
22 As we praise God for all our circumstances , seeing them in the light of his presence and love , then we become literally ‘ thankful persons ’ , transfused by a new radiance of joy and thanksgiving .
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