Example sentences of "[subord] we go to [art] " in BNC.

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1 So we went to the railway police . ’
2 Once we went to a fish stall and he bought 30 crab sticks for 20p each .
3 would n't be us cos we went to the
4 Yes sure , the card itself er is authorisation that is signed by er an officer of at least the rank of Assistant Chief Constable and er it 's a firearms authorisation that enables us or as an individual , to be issued with a firearm that is named on this card , er for that particular type of weapon er if if we go to a firearms operation .
5 If we go to an exhibition together we find that we like the same paintings ; so I think it 's that we have an empathy in our way of painting , in the whole attitude to painting .
6 We can see the reason if we go to the opposite end of the scale and focus on selfishness .
7 For example , if we go to the doctor , we expect him or her to behave in a particular way , to ask questions about our illness and symptoms , possibly to examine us , to make a diagnosis and perhaps write a prescription .
8 If we go to the High Atlas of Morocco , we find even closer similarities , with basic intrusions and extrusions within the familiar red sandstone .
9 If we go to the first style of A this is an activist and some of you have got high scores here we 've got sixteen fifteen and twelve these are , these are hard activist .
10 Now if we go to the right of the decimal point , are these bigger things or smaller .
11 no , er , ah , yeah , if we go to the
12 If we went to the police , we 'd have to explain in detail .
13 If we went to the movies , or even for fish and chips , he always brought the camera . ’
14 Now I comes to think on it , I 've not set eyes on Black Will since afore we went to the Garden Tower last evening . ’
15 ‘ Come on , ’ he said , ‘ we might as well call at the cab-rank , before we go to the mortuary .
16 Before we go to the calls , one other thing that you may be interested in talking about .
17 Thank you , erm before we go to the vote er Mr will you accept that er the third line down from the second resolution er made for the national licensing of all registration scheme will cover the amendment you wanted to put on to the labour resolution .
18 Before we go to the vote , Mr would you still want to organize your region or vote on separate or are they willing to amend it onto Labour 's resolution .
19 However — a few more new ones in September will help swell the total before we go to the Sports Council in October .
20 So do you want the yoghurt , yoghurt before we go to the ?
21 Margaret 'll come back and change you later before we go to the tea party
22 We 've just got this one paragraph , before we go to the next sub-heading erm , then we 'll close there shall we ?
23 My parents often mentioned their remorse , I was speaking so well before we went to the Russian Orthodox Easter Service .
24 Sweetheart , I told Mother I was falling in love with you long before we went to the island .
25 And erm it was our turn to feed them before we went to the farm every morning you see .
26 In the Post Office while I was trying to phone Prague , Irena was getting free phone calls in exchange for correcting a German text for the manager , and when we went to a bookshop she had a friend who sold her books at half price .
27 Well , when we went to a erm , they phoned , we wen , the woman , we said , ah , with the Rising Sun 'll be , do you think the Rising Sun will be full as well , 'cos she phoned for us .
28 I did n't want to be different when we went to the dance . ’
29 " Do you remember the eclectic Sixties parodies — when we went to the National Portrait Gallery — everything , from swamis to major-generals and major-domos too .
30 In When We Went to the Zoo by Jan Ormerod ( Walker Books , £7.99 ) , a dad decides to take his small son and daughter to the zoo , where they see all sorts of wonderful animals .
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