Example sentences of "[subord] she [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If only she could turn her back on the golden Dane whose gaze still ensnared her , lose herself in the masses and find her own way back to the hotel , but she was held where she stood by invisible chains .
2 They settled Iris in the passenger seat of the Golf , where she sat with closed eyes .
3 The seal wanted to race south and burn off all her blubber , but she knew the penguin was scared , so she swam in lazy circles around the ice raft , singing and talking and giving the penguin names for all the new birds they saw , birds too canny to fly as far north as the Pole for fear of freezing .
4 Her doctor had told her that there was nothing he could do for this problem , so she decided on private treatment from a doctor that a friend recommended .
5 She had never learnt to speak Alsatian , a dialect closely related to Old High German , so she spoke in faultless German instead .
6 ‘ Planning ’ was judged to have taken place if the girl had known the man for at least six months before cohabitation and if she cohabited for positive reasons rather than because of outside pressures such as pregnancy or the need to escape from an unhappy home .
7 Linda Agran , a film executive , told me that she chose a female gynaecologist , Wendy Love , to do her hysterectomy because she believed in positive discrimination .
8 FUNNY things have happened to Ulrika Jonsson ( left ) since she traded in low fronts for big hunks .
9 Trained by Richard Hannon , Lemon Souffle has n't run since she scored at scintillating victory in the Cherry Hinton Stakes at Newmarket in July .
10 Lisa , 21 , was linked with Gilbey after she split with 30-year-old White 15 weeks after they were married .
11 She had no problem in finding the turning which led her along an unadopted road for half a mile before she drove through open gates up a steeply ascending drive past lawns on several different levels until she finally reached a gravelled circle in front of Penry 's house .
12 There were only a few weeks now before she went into dry dock .
13 When she looked at poor little Hoomey , she was filled with pity for him being so hopeless .
14 The grandmother of two of the children sobbed when she knew for certain they would not be coming home .
15 She got it when she sailed into neighbouring Albania a week ago , the first British warship to visit the country for 54 years .
16 She was a little overweight , her hands a touch too pudgy when she reached for various books and took them from the shelves .
17 If he did not understand about the unicorn or about the many and the one he understood Marian still less when she talked about simple things being difficult .
18 In Emily Carew 's presence he was kind and polite and remarkably subdued , listening with infinite patience when she lapsed into wistful nostalgia as she recalled the days when Carewscourt was the centre of social activity in this part of Mayo .
19 Caducius was built at Sunderland in 1857 , and was en route to Salerno with a cargo of coal when she sank in bad weather .
20 It might even suggest that perhaps Lady Thatcher did , after all , have a point when she despaired of public transport .
21 She came with him to Joe 's birthday party and danced mainly with Peter , though in the slow numbers she gave him no encouragement to smooch with her ; and when she danced with other people he thought that , quite literally , he was going to die of pain .
22 Though she suffered from aerial bombardment England was spared the devastation caused by military engagement and occupation in the Second World War .
23 And so this is how it ends , she thought minutes later as she walked with steady steps across the wooden planks .
24 As she listened to other speakers , Hindu , Buddhist , Muslim , she realised there was great similarity .
25 At this Faye sat up , flinging aside covers , in one movement , like a swimmer surfacing , and she glared at Alice as she had at poor Monica .
26 Brenda Pridmore , recently appointed Clerical Officer/receptionist at Hoggatt 's Laboratory , pushed the marmalade across the breakfast table and began methodically slicing thin strips from the white of her fried egg , postponing , as she had from early childhood , that cataclysmic moment when she would plunge the fork into the glistening yellow dome .
27 It was n't really surprising therefore that she was wound tighter than a spring with suppressed energy as she waited for Ace to return .
28 He wished Annabel were not so insecure and dependent upon him ; for the past few months , as she waited for Avanti to make up its mind , she had needed constant emotional support and reassurance from Scott , who had felt her clinging to him , almost like a physical weight on his back .
29 But as she forecast in recent months ( The Art Newspaper No.19 , June 1992 , p.3 ) , Ms Radice believes that sexual content is grounds for a grant 's denial .
30 Annoyed with herself , she drew a long hissing breath as she gritted through tight lips , ‘ Really , I do n't know why I 'm revealing all this to a complete stranger — somebody I 've only just met — ’
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