Example sentences of "[subord] or not [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It does not matter whether or not that ability and mastery are real ; at times of distress the public perceives and invokes them ’ ( p.31 ) .
2 It has been criticised there on the grounds that any decision on lending which is based on how many characteristics an applicant shares with good or bad payers can not directly reflect the reality of whether or not that individual will be a good payer .
3 However , recall of the preceding clause ( clause 2 ) varied depending on whether or not that clause formed part of the same sentence as the most recent clause .
4 Since Jarvella instructed his subjects to recall as much as they could remember word for word , and he scored for accuracy of verbatim recall , these results suggest not only that the last-heard clause has the highest verbatim recall but also that the amount of syntactic information which is being retained about a preceding clause depends on whether or not that clause forms part of a larger linguistic unit which also includes the most recent clause .
5 The judge hearing the Barnes petition to send about eighty of its paintings on tour has put all other legal issues facing the Barnes aside while he decides whether or not that tour will take place .
6 If a relative is sick when the dolphin appears it will give a sign whether or not that person will recover or has already recovered .
7 It should then be possible to select any single child from the population ( whether or not that child was included in the standardisation sample ) , and , after testing , compare her score to the pattern of scores obtained from the standardisation sample .
8 For if one ignores the relationship between the 's and β , and g , equation ( 4.29 ) seems to say that the level of real output can be raised by an increase in the quantity of money , regardless of whether or not that increase is predictable .
9 This arises since patients are permitted to go anywhere for treatment , leaving the home authority to pay for this treatment , whether or not the authority considers such treatment necessary for that particular patient , whether or not that type of treatment figures in local priorities , and whether or not there are ‘ more deserving ’ cases within the authority .
10 This arises from the essence of this type of system which is that patients can go anywhere for treatment , and their home authority must pay for such treatment , whether or not it is considered necessary for that particular patient , whether or not that type of treatment figures in the local priorities , and whether or not there are ‘ more deserving ’ cases within the authority .
11 It is also vital to remember that the Purchaser may be assuming liability for the creditors — and whether or not that liability is described as part of the Consideration , it is in fact part of the ‘ price ’ which the Purchaser is paying .
12 Finally , it should be pointed out that one of the grounds on which under section 432 the Secretary of State may appoint inspectors to investigate and report on the affairs of a company is that ‘ the company 's members have not been given all the information with respect to its affairs which they might reasonably expect ’ — whether or not that information is such that they have an express statutory right to be told it .
13 The single database approach to corporate information provides the potential to relate data about business activities and to describe and analyse a particular aspect of the business system regardless of whether or not that aspect is already functionally formalised within the organisation .
14 Example 4:10 Tenant 's power to make time of the essence ( 1 ) if the landlord fails to take any step in the procedure for rent review within a period of time prescribed by this lease ( whether or not that step could also have been taken by the tenant ) the tenant may give the landlord written notice : ( a ) referring to the step which the landlord has failed to take ( b ) requiring the landlord to take that step within such period of not less than 21 days as may be specified in the notice and ( c ) informing the landlord that if he fails to take that step within the period specified in the notice he will be precluded thereafter from taking it and that time is of the essence of the period so specified ( 2 ) if the landlord fails to take the step specified in a notice under paragraph ( 1 ) within the time specified in that notice ( time being of the essence ) he shall thereafter be precluded from taking it
15 Most commonly , this might relate to a right of way across the neighbouring property , and details as to whether or not that right has been interrupted or whether charges have been made for its use will be required .
16 This order is given on the condition that ( without prejudice to the generality of Condition 7.1 ) you will indemnify us against all loss , actions , costs , claims , demands , expenses and liabilities whatsoever ( if any ) which we may incur either at common law or by statute ( other than as a result of any default or neglect of ourselves or of any person for whom we are responsible ) in respect of personal injury to , or the death of , any such employees , agents , sub-contractors or other representative while on our premises whether or not such persons are ( at the time when such personal injury or deaths are caused ) acting in the course of their employment .
17 It will , essentially , be a matter for negotiation between the members of the firm as to whether or not such remuneration should be treated as income of the firm : whatever is decided should be duly recorded in the agreement ( Clause 10.06 ) .
18 Availability is the percentage of time for which the plant is mechanically capable of producing full rated output of electricity , whether or not such output was called for to meet demand at the time .
19 It must be emphasised that the question whether or not such conduct is now covered by section 5 can not be determined by this statement of governmental intentions .
20 Accordingly , if the nature of the privilege going beyond the Bill of Rights had been identified , your Lordships could have determined whether or not such privilege exists , although it would be for the House of Commons to determine whether or not there was an infringement of any privilege found to exist .
21 Whether or not such strategies exist , numerous European electronics companies have tried to enter the US market , but few have made much impression and even fewer much profit .
22 Whether or not such changes are equitable will also be explored .
23 The question was whether or not such payments fell within the Regulations .
24 There are complex constraints in the grammar of English which determine whether or not such associations can be made .
25 Whether or not such factors develop religious awareness depends on the degree to which people can see a relationship between them and religion and can tease out the implications .
26 Whether or not such machines will eventually appear in the UK is open to conjecture , but clearly , if taken to extremes , such methods of communication will become counter-productive .
27 Our client is under no obligation to accept any offer , whether or not such offer represents the highest purchase price proposed by any of the prospective purchasers .
28 ‘ All costs charges and expenses incurred hereunder by the bank or by the receiver in perfecting or otherwise in connection with this security or in respect of the property hereby charged including ( without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing ) all costs of all proceedings for the enforcement of the security hereby constituted or for obtaining payment of the moneys hereby secured or arising out of or in connection with the acts authorised by clause 7 hereof ( whether or not such costs charges and expenses and moneys or part thereof would be allowable on a party and party or solicitor and own client taxation by this court ) shall be recoverable from the companies as a debt … and shall be charged on the premises comprised herein …
29 The Court of Appeal had ruled that whether or not such material might be ‘ beneficial to those who were sexually repressed or perverted or deviant ’ did not make its publication ‘ an object of general concern ’ , since otherwise any form of pornography could be defended on the ground that it was beneficial to some people , if not to the public at large .
30 There did not appear to be any certainty that the RHA would make capital gain out of the exercise , whether or not such gain might be applied for non-mental health purposes .
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