Example sentences of "[subord] they [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They have admitted some of the questions on this paper are too difficult for the children and in Anthony 's school , where they took it as a class test , I believe the highest marks were about 40 or 42pc . ’
2 It spread to the Chinese around 2 , years ago and then reached Japan where they cultivated it into the art form it is today .
3 Mantack then returned to Donna 's parents house , where they told him about the message .
4 They accused me of going to hit one of them with it … they put me in a police van and took me to Victoria Barracks where they kept me for two hours .
5 His principles are chosen by people behind a hypothetical ‘ veil of ignorance ’ , where they know nothing of their social position in society , their sex , race , abilities or conceptions of the good ( Rawls , 1972 , in particular pt .
6 Who had tried what , where they got it from , what it cost , and how they balance the accounts of risk and pleasure .
7 To a lesser degree they still exist nearer home ; in the Alps herdsmen take their cattle to the ‘ Alm ’ meadows where they tend them during the summer , and in Scotland and Wales the hill sheep spend half the year on the mountain commons whilst the lower , enclosed land grows winter keep .
8 Chukar-type partridges Alectoris are longer , more upright and slightly more pheasant-like than smaller Perdix , and readily distinguished where they overlap it in W and S Europe by black and white eyestripes , white chin and throat , broad black band extending from eye down neck to form breast-band , conspicuous black and white barring on flanks , and red bill and legs .
9 They 've been living for the last ten years in an environment where they expect there to be a high level of occult activity in society .
10 Then they were both fearful for him and they took him into the cold scullery , where they hid him from the intruders .
11 The larvae then migrate through the tissue of the mouth ( cheeks , tongue , and pharynx ) to the stomach , where they attach themselves to the stomach lining .
12 most of the changes that have been made to those houses have been er erm at the request of Newton Sherwood District Council , they the the they lifted the room pitch , we had a lower one , they wanted a higher one , erm , and you know , erm , all all basically erm the the although they counted it as a change since application
13 At that time the DPKR had only 7,000 members and although they dissociated themselves from the Russian Communist Party , many were still members of the CPSU .
14 MacDonald concludes with the view that non-traditional students are an advantage to higher education although they present it with a challenge .
15 The managers I interviewed appeared to lack commitment to improving motivation , although they identified it as a problem .
16 getting compurgators to swear that they believed him to be oathworthy , although they knew nothing of the facts of the case .
17 Although they see it as a step in the right direction , people working in the area fear that it may take another generation before Karamoja cools down .
18 Room echo back then was virtually unheard of in recording , although they used it in motion pictures for sound effects . ’
19 And although they maintained none of County Durham 's 5,000 teachers would lose their jobs the higher than expected pay deal will make the county dig into its reserves to pay for the salary hike .
20 ‘ They spent a fortune developing the place , ’ the Maggot said , ‘ but the rich folks never came , so they sold it to the rich dickheads instead . ’
21 They felt he was bored so they took him to training classes and Tricia said he 's an absolute natural .
22 I did n't know what career I wanted which baffled the system so they sent me to Edinburgh for a year .
23 Luckily the bus itself was delayed , and so they got themselves on board .
24 she goes to part-time so they get it at a reduced rate .
25 They did n't get the information they needed , so they knew nothing about things like alternative positions during labour . ’
26 They were n't too pleased about it , so they kicked her out the house I think .
27 You see in consecrated ground so they buried her in this bit of wheat land at the Muckle Water there .
28 The second one the second man says I want a year 's , I want ten years ' supply of whisky , right , so they sling it in there .
29 His bulk , thin but long , was hard for them to get up their spiral stairs , so they left him on the sofa below , on the floor that lay over an ironmonger 's shop .
30 she said no , Jean said oh I ca n't walk that , have a bloody heart attack she says , so they put her in a trolley
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