Example sentences of "[subord] it have [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Above all , he seems to see only good in science , and ignores the dark side , where it has direct connections with exploitation , tyranny , and war .
2 Most important is GlavPU , the Chief Political Directorate of the Soviet Army and Navy , at one and the same time an organ of the Ministry of Defence and of the Central Committee , where it has departmental status .
3 Although it has innocent uses , devices like Happy Chip enable pirates to steal programs worth millions of pounds .
4 It is in this sector that women 's inferior economic position is of particular relevance , although it has specific repercussions in relation to council housing , too , as we discuss below .
5 The Lugg is in general a silty river , although it has natural riffles of gravel where the crowfoot also occurs .
6 Chervil grows quickly , provided it has moist soil ad a slightly shady place .
7 When viewing a house we were interested in buying , we asked the owner if it had rear access .
8 Christians quote from the Bible as if it had divine authority .
9 All experience showed that an attack had some prospect of success only if it had numerical superiority in a ratio of at least 3 : 1 .
10 UNTAC would only be successful , Boutros-Ghali stressed , if it had adequate human and financial resources .
11 The more cross-holdings there are , the less chance of success for any outside raid on Hongkong Land , even if it had semi-official backing from the Chinese government .
12 After that , Waits retreats into his usual ho humdrum bummed-out bluesywoozy alkie drone mode mood muzak , the sort of mozzery gushy mush your dog would make if it had vocal chords and could handle its drink .
13 Discard it if it has awkward wires or some other hazard on the approach , and choose another field .
14 Although few have the physical strength to repel their attackers , even a relatively feeble animal can deter aggressors if it has chemical weapons .
15 Thus where the discretionary fund management arm of a conglomerate receives confidential information from the corporate finance arm about Company X , the fund management arm may be prevented from using the information of disclosing it if it has actual knowledge of the breach of confidence or possibly where it ought to have known of the breach .
16 The Commission is only likely to open proceedings if it has serious concerns about the impact of the merger on competition in the EC .
17 If it has loving owners who can afford central heating , this breed presents no problems , but it has remained largely outlawed by the various cat societies .
18 If the staircase is suffering from poor design or bad workmanship , from wood rot or heavy infestation by woodworm , if it has loose joists or suffers separation from the wall — then you can mark down a major defect , as it will probably require complete renewal .
19 As the reader will appreciate , a country can fund a continuing current account deficit only if it has limitless reserves of gold and foreign exchange or unlimited foreign borrowing power .
20 But goodness can choose to change its nature if it has true freedom of will .
21 As we saw in this chapter , more recently it has been found that this account of processing can not be correct for at least three reasons : ( a ) there is evidence that syntactic and semantic processing is not delayed until the end of the clause ; ( b ) there is evidence that information about the specific wording is retained after the end of a clause if that clause contains nonspecific words which subsequent clauses will disambiguate ; ( c ) specific wording will also be retained if it has pragmatic significance .
22 Following this decree , a meeting of representatives of 130 opposition parties said that they would not participate in the conference unless it had sovereign powers .
23 Ever a man for taking the particular to exhibit the general , this allowed him a global crack at the Scots : he claimed that they were not interested in doing anything unless it had natural awkwardness in it : ‘ What can not be done without some uncommon trouble or particular expedient , will not often be done at all .
24 A local authority would be expected to offer these services before seeking an order unless it had clear evidence that the parents would be unwilling or incapable of making use of them .
25 ‘ John 's method of working would be : ‘ Okay , this is in C , ’ and unless it had abnormal changes we just went for it .
26 If a large customer is late in making payment , a firm may be unable to pay its suppliers unless it has spare liquidity .
27 Today the functions of a local authority almost invariably involve the expenditure of money and it is clearly established that a local authority may not spend money unless it has statutory authority to do so .
28 Because it had negative assets of £1m , and Cables and Flexibles and Seacoast turned in below-par results , Biermann said there were insufficient distributable reserves to pay a final dividend .
29 This suited me very well because it had large rooms and wide doors .
30 Cedars , he told them , was a special school because it had special teachers with special skills and training .
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