Example sentences of "[subord] in [adj] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There is an appropriation where in those circumstances he later assumes " a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as owner " .
2 The stent lumen remained patent and functional throughout the follow up period except in two patients who developed epithelial hyperplasia within the stent resulting in recurrent biliary obstruction , three and six months after placement .
3 For never have the ever more numerous museums been so crowded , exhibitions so well attended , art books so glossy , the so-called specialist periodicals so erudite , and historic buildings so well ‘ protected ’ against decay and destruction of all kinds ( although in many cases one might well ask whether there is not some confusion and contradiction between protection and son ) .
4 At the other end of the scale , although in many cases it is open to private individuals to prosecute for breach of the criminal law , it is generally thought , for various reasons , that usually it is best for public prosecutors to take such action .
5 In practice some rifts seem to be of the active type whereas others seem to have been initiated by passive rifting , although in many cases there is no consensus as to whether specific rifts are active or passive .
6 I seek to exorcise it , although in many ways my obsession has become my life .
7 This is not confined to legal problems ( although in many situations there may be an unrecognised legal problem ) but has its effects in other areas as well .
8 However , this is not a time for complacency because , although in many respects you are in control of your own destiny , there are certain obstacles to be surmounted before you have a completely free hand .
9 By the mid 1980s , therefore the poor were significantly worse off , relative to the rest of the population , than ten years earlier , although in absolute terms their purchasing power improved .
10 Does my right hon. and learned Friend accept the good news , contrary to what was said by the hon. Member for Ashfield ( Mr. Haynes ) , that although in recent times my constituency has experienced economic difficulties , so successful has my right hon. and learned Friend 's training and enterprise programme been that the Crawley and District Industries Association has told me that this is the first time during a downturn in the economy when training by companies has increased rather than decreased ?
11 In much of Western Europe a predominant characteristic has been trade union pluralism ( and sometimes reluctance to engage in continuous relationships with employers ) promoted by ideological , philosophical and religious differences , although in recent years there has been rather less emphasis upon the importance of religious affinity .
12 although in recent years there have been significant improvements in the provision of research and library facilities for M.P.s these still lag fir behind those available to their counterparts abroad .
13 Our knowledge of life histories of most deep-sea ophiuroids is poor ( see Tyler , 1980 for a review ) although in recent years there have been several accounts of the reproductive biology of the more common species ( Schoener 1968 , 1972 : Tyler & Gage 1979 , 1980 , 1982 ; Gage & Tyler , 1981 , 1982 ) together with some work on the post-larval stages ( Schoener 1967 , 1969 ; Gage & Tyler 1981 ) .
14 It is a Yorkshire dale in a classic sense with sweeping contours and a fierce beauty on the grand scale , although in recent years it has been placed in County Durham ( not that locals pay any attention to such cultural vandalism ) .
15 Its base unit is the kilogram although in chemical calculations it is often more convenient to use grams .
16 Little explicit literary evidence confirms this view of the Council ; there is for instance nothing in the pamphlet we call the Old Oligarch , written in c.425 , although in other contexts it does comment on the influence at Athens enjoyed by the wealthy and well-born .
17 Choice of the insurer is yours and an existing policy can be considered , although in such cases it may require depositing with the bank as security .
18 And yet , although he was a scientific naturalist and although in frequent essays he reminds us of the insignificance and unimportance of man in the whole scheme of things , it 's plain that , from the beginning , and as I hope I shall be able to show you , right down to the end , he found something emotionally hard to bear , I was going to say , in fact , intolerable , in this situation .
19 He had carried the day , of course , for although in fourteen years he had made himself supreme King in Alba , he was born to the north , and from Moray to the northernmost island of Orkney he was the leader men trusted and knew .
20 Re-writing the partnership agreement will not be a practicable exercise in larger firms , although in certain circumstances it may become necessary , eg if in the course of negotiations with a new partner some hitherto unsuspected inadequacy is revealed .
21 Although in most senses he enjoyed being there , to the denuded hills and the blackened crofts of neglected Dalriada , it also gave him cause for concern .
22 Hibernation deaths are probably common , although in most cases they probably result in isolated carcases well apart from each other .
23 There may sometimes be problems in deciding which member of a pair is the endonym and which the exonym , although in most cases we can trust our intuitions .
24 This is the main highway from Istanbul , which lies about 100 miles to the east , to the Greek border , some 100 miles to the west , and although in most parts it has a good tarmac surface it is in the main single carriageway .
25 By then La Rotonde , which had opened in 1911 , had become the place for artists to meet , and every morning Nina met Modi selling his drawings for five francs ( although in bad times he reduced the price to three francs ) .
26 So it was that although in those days I was often homesick , missing Harry , missing Daisy , it was never unbearable .
27 ‘ Royal Glyn-Neath ’ , we call it , although in those days it was only a little nine-hole course .
28 Ezra was a cobbler who also acted as a local estate agent , although in those days he would n't have recognised the term .
29 Although in three cases it was recognised that the operation was technically unsatisfactory and early rebleeding was encountered in each case , in the rest there appeared to be no obvious explanation for these surgical failures .
30 Historians have found some manors where the local custom was for the widow to receive a half proportion , or even the whole , and yet in others apparently none — although in these cases it is more likely that the documentation is being misconstrued .
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