Example sentences of "[subord] the [noun sg] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Resistor/diode arrangement to create a mark-to-space ratio where the output high/low times are equal .
2 We all know that there 's a fundamental divide within the Conservative party which no amount of packaging can camouflage , although the packing last time round perhaps er was n't quite as good as it could have been .
3 At turn-off the phase current decays exponentially from its initial value of +2 A towards a final value of -2 A. If the phase electrical time constant is T and turn-off begins at time t = 0 , the instantaneous current is : which , taking the first two terms of the exponential series expansion , can be approximated by : Initial energy stored in the inductance = , so 50% of the stored inductive energy is returned to the supply at turnoff .
4 In Fig. 4.2 , for example , the three-phase currents are quickly established at the maximum value because the phase winding time constants ( 1 ins ) are much shorter than the period of each excitation ( 20 ms at a speed of 50 steps per second ) .
5 It was n't so much the ageing process itself that sent my spirits plummeting — although greying hair and wrinkles were n't exactly adding to my self-esteem — as the realisation that time is marching on and I had better not waste a moment of it .
6 She would be silent as the grave this time — give her mind to getting free .
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