Example sentences of "[subord] something [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Very few schools get away with teaching the Lord 's prayer in anything other than something like the traditional way .
2 He asked if I had enough of those for a whole album , because he felt it would make quite an original debut , to do only music taken from other instruments , rather than something from the standard guitar repertoire .
3 They must look like something from a fair booth — a shrimp and a black giant tied together !
4 It was a genuine attempt to explore the innate bases of behaviour and their social implications , even if something of the confused Darwinian metaphor remained .
5 The situation would be very different , however , if something like the no-boundary proposal were correct .
6 It was as if something in the skinny mare compelled him ; he did not look at any of the others .
7 A few paces below where the body lay , and a yard or so into the bushes , there was a patch of free stones , loosely overgrown with grass and lichen , and to all appearance undisturbed for a year or more ; until something about the clear outlining of the upper stone made him look closer .
8 He only hesitated for a moment before something about the strained tension on her face made his mind up .
9 More and more it tended to be regarded not merely as a useful political device but as something with a moral value and justification of its own .
10 Now he 's marketing the desktop Unix as something of a downsizing platform , as existing Unix mini and mainframe users will be able to take advantage of well integrated Unix on cheap Intel PCs .
11 In particular , TV buying has come in recent years to be regarded as something of a separate skill — arguably to the detriment of the media operations of agencies as a whole .
12 Yeah the other thing on staffing tt which is a related , but in a sense I 'm trying to keep it as something of a separate issue , and that is to do with the amount of management time .
13 Through his competence in sport , he was able to leave Richmond and establish himself as something of a sporting celebrity in Europe and England where , according to Edwin Henderson , he came to know , among others , Lord Byron ( 1949 , p. 16 ) .
14 The " De missarum mysteriis " of c. 1195 shows Cardinal Lothar as something of a biblical scholar , teasing out meanings from texts that accentuated the pope 's particular primacy as successor to St Peter .
15 Before he had even set off , however , Pliny the Elder received urgent requests for help from people living nearer the volcano , so his trip which had been intended as something of a scientific investigation rapidly became a rescue mission .
16 After running a substantial international fibres business , it came as something of a cultural shock to find himself sitting in ICI 's headquarters with only a secretary to command .
17 The mid-'70s are now seen as something of a cultural wasteland for rock and it is no exaggeration to say that Wednesday 's NME was the highlight of the musical week for a generation .
18 It may even be that the indiscriminacy of some of the air operations in the Second World War will come to be seen as something of a historical aberration , and a mere temporary consequence of the undeveloped state of the arts of target acquisition and guidance .
19 At first the freemen of both town and country had an organization and a type of property which still retained something of the communal as well as something of the private , but in the town a radical transformation was taking place .
20 He saw his own role as something between a scientific investigator and a secret agent , and he sent a verbatim report of the managers ' meeting back to the board , together with a sheaf of press cuttings .
21 ‘ I 've tried many different mics and I often find that some of the more expensive condenser mics do n't sound as good as something like a good , straightforward Shure 57 or something like that — one of the cheaper dynamic mics .
22 Not surprisingly , the active members of the African Institution saw themselves not simply as a successful pressure group but as something like an unofficial arm of government .
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