Example sentences of "[subord] these [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 … taking account of statutory provisions and also of national and collective agreements , except where these conflict with the powers allotted to the Governing Body under the Act .
2 In addition , dense infiltration of the lung by eosinophils occurs , and where these accumulate in the small bronchi in large numbers , they may be seen as greenish plugs at necropsy .
3 Although these work on the same principles as the above they could prove an expensive luxury as well as causing more problems than they solve .
4 Some manufacturers use taffeta nylon , cotton , polycotton or viscose for the linings , although these add to the weight of the bag .
5 Its part is often written in the treble clef on G ( 2nd line ) but it is quite immaterial which clef or note is used , provided that a note different from those used for the side-drum and triangle ( if these appear in the same score ) is chosen .
6 Presumably they all have accommodation costs , for example , and if these amount to a little over £26 a week ( including council tax ) , then the first and fourth examples would qualify for civil legal aid without payment of any contribution .
7 It seems likely that the condition of the roads had begun to grow uneven after Aberdeen : today , upon leaving the main road , the castle , now ruined , may only be approached on pockmarked and muddy lanes , and if these approximate to the surfaces upon which Johnson had to travel once he entered a remoter Scotland , his pace may be understood and excused , and his courage further applauded .
8 This states that whatever the forms , organization and functions that a company believes it has , unless these correspond to the norms and expectations of the local culture they will remain purely superficial window dressing .
9 Because these work to a co-ordinate system they are reproducible at any resolution and , more usefully , they can be scaled without destroying the original information .
10 It is important to discuss the various explanations briefly , if only because these surface in the press in a variety of forms .
11 There are always internal constraints on any kind of notational or visual-symbolic signifying system , since these depend on an absolutely or relatively complete possession of the relevant ( social as technical ) systematic information .
12 I am going to begin with biologically-based theories , since these act as an implicit reference point for most psychological theories of gender .
13 More significant are the numbers of votes actually cast , since these enter into the calculation of the quota normally required for a candidate 's election .
14 ‘ Guidelines for Teachers and Lecturers of Students with Special Needs ’ is intended to help teachers and lecturers who wish to deliver modules to students with special needs , whether these arise from a learning difficulty , a sensory impairment or from some other reason .
15 We support the policy of encouraging the retention of local hedge-laying styles as these contribute to the distinctive qualities of different areas of countryside .
16 So long as these remain at the centre of any newsgathering institution , then the risk of episodic and trivial coverage increases .
17 The first chapter of the book provides an introductory discussion of the nature , prominent features and merits of popular fiction as these emerge through an extensive comparison with serious ( classical ) literature .
18 The study will examine contrasting concepts of personhood and moral conduct in relation to the body , gender and gender relationships caste and political leadership , as these emerge in the context of religious and political debates and in the expressed beliefs of religious and lay members of the community .
19 When these come to the attention of colleagues , there is an obligation to point the nurse in the right direction for help .
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