Example sentences of "[subord] i [verb] the first " in BNC.

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1 To minimize confusion , I shall use consumerism where I mean the first , and the consumer movement to denote the second .
2 So I did the first album , ‘ Never Look Back ’ , and it did really well .
3 Once I found the first publisher , it just snowballed . ’
4 " But I suppose one of us ought to stay awake ; and if I take the first turn it 'll give me a chance to have a look at your paw , Hlao-roo .
5 I put er er if I put the first letter of it , er er it 's S that 'll search it and it 'll say Sarah work
6 After crossing several fields I turned down to the right to follow a metalled road for a while until I reached the first real treat of the day , the Roman road .
7 Cos I read the first one as well .
8 Can I just just just move on cos I think the first thing we 're gon na pick up on this is this entitlement business again .
9 Because I think the first question to ask is , just what is this all about ?
10 But before I take the first step out of here , I think I 'll feel pretty good about the knowledge and inquisitive spirit I 've been able to share and the doors I 've helped open .
11 … half the year had gone , the clear smoke-free distances of early summer a thing of the past , and midsummer day over , before I got the first clue .
12 However , I had hardly got started before I got the first complaint .
13 I remember being thrilled when I got the first whicker of recognition from my horse and most people feel happier and more confident riding a horse they know — even if it is n't well behaved !
14 One survivor says : ‘ When I saw the first bomb fall , I knew that it was going to be a bad day for America ’ .
15 I think , because I had been working on Armchair Theatre , I was used to a certain style of drama , so when I saw the first Doctor Who script my first reaction was , after the first half hour , all we were left with was a lot of hairy-chested cavemen jumping around , grunting and going ‘ Ug ’ .
16 I was struck when I attended the first conference on corporate governance after the draft Cadbury Report was published .
17 And that was a fortnight ago when I had the first scan .
18 Air temperature was 15 ° C at 8.00 pm , just before complete darkness , when I heard the first voices in an extensively flooded field .
19 As I now personally from one of my previous lives in nineteen eighty-two , when I became the first Director of the newly independent National Federation of Community Organisations .
20 erm when I went the first year I looked at them .
21 When I say the first floor , I 'm talking about the ground floor and the first floor , you know ?
22 When I did the first two talks , Dawn was n't trained enough to fly , though on the second she did manage a short hop , but by the time this big lecture came along she was flying on the creance .
23 Yet when I placed the first hot pad on to the boy 's twisted left leg he seemed not to feel any pain ; I supposed the pain of the spasms had made him impervious to a lesser pain .
24 When I read the first six words of that I thought , good Lord , we 're going to get a bit of policy here and but no , no , none of it .
25 As I assume the first year warranty will soon be over , I suggest you have the problem investigated .
26 Fenella must have heard me , as she appeared at her door as I reached the first landing .
27 Yeah well er there as I said the first er compartment after at the door is the water tanks .
28 I had dropped my bag as I hit the first man , but that did n't matter .
29 What I 'd like to say is I think erm certainly in Scotland and in Strathclyde area that four years ago , erm the first women in transport survey was actually carried out , erm and it was carried out elsewhere in Britain and er this was as I say the first study that had been done and the results were very surprising .
30 As I say the first one that was found had to , it was his turn to be on next .
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