Example sentences of "[subord] it [was/were] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Britain 's position within the international division of labour and its trade balance were examined in Chapter 1 , where it was seen that there have indeed been major shifts over the post-war period .
2 A 17-year-old paper-stainer , James Irons , was brought before the magistrate — described by the police as a ring-leader and by his mother as ‘ a good boy ’ — where it was said that he had ‘ used disgusting language , and discharged a number of stones larger than walnuts from a powerful catapult ’ .
3 ( N.C. , 1979 ) where it was said that persons charged with serious disciplinary offences had a right to call any evidence which was likely to assist in establishing vital facts in issue , that the chairman had a discretion to refuse to call witnesses to prevent the accused calling so many witnesses as to make the system unworkable but that fairness demanded that there be a right to cross-examine witnesses .
4 Meanwhile on April 25 the National Assembly had unanimously approved a plan for the resettlement of 3,000-4,000 marsh Arabs in new settlements on the periphery of the marshlands , where it was said that they would have improved access to services .
5 An interlocutory injunction was sought , but not granted by the court , where it was said that there had been a breach , but that an injunction would not be granted on a balance of convenience .
6 Michael had had a farm across the border , a lonely ruin near a place called Hackballs Cross , where it was said that men with guns had been known to train , and where certainly only the barest minimum of farming ever happened , enough to get the EC grants and little more .
7 Perhaps the most elegant formulation of principle was given in Coco v Clark ( AN ) ( Engineers ) Ltd where it was said that if a reasonable man standing in the shoes of the recipient of the information would have realised that upon reasonable grounds the information was being given to him in confidence then this should suffice to impose upon him the equitable obligation of confidence .
8 The reason for this is clear in Collins MR 's judgment where it was said that , in the case of a purchase of goods capable of a multitude of purposes , in order to invoke the implied condition , it was necessary to show that the goods were sold with reference to a particular purpose : … in order to give rise to the implication of a warranty , it is necessary to show that , though the article sold was capable of general use for many purposes , in the particular case it was sold with reference to a particular purpose .
9 Unidentified groups of rioters attacked and set on fire the city police headquarters , where it was believed that some of those arrested earlier in University Square were being held .
10 He was taken to the city 's main hospital where it was confirmed that he 'd had a heart attack .
11 The developer was eventually defeated through the planning system , where it was decided that the pub amounted to an important social amenity .
12 At the end of week six , I had a medical interview where it was decided that due to hurricane Gilbert there was no medical facility adequate for my medical needs ; I 'm asthmatic .
13 For discussion of " partnership " and transfer from individual licence holder to partnership , see Singh and Kaur v. Kirkcaldy District Licensing Board , 1988 S.L.T. 286 , where it was decided that the licence was held by a partnership with a separate legal persona and that the board were not entitled to look behind that persona at the partners as individuals .
14 contrast this with the case of cohen v shaw ( release 014 ) and a similar scottish case elliott v joicy ( 1935sc ( hl ) 57 ) both of which concerned a child in utero where it was decided that a child succeeds in a claim for injuries received .
15 Miss Marshall complained of unlawful sex discrimination and her case went to the European Court of Justice where it was decided that she had been the subject of such unlawful discrimination .
16 They were schools , therefore , where progress in matching library provision to curriculum need had already begun , and where it was hoped that this impetus could be further developed through participation in the project and a grant in the region of £2,500 .
17 It received a new boost in 1990 when John Gribbin and Martin Rees published their The Stuff of the Universe , where it was asserted that the universe came into existence solely in order to create a carbon-based intelligent life-form on just one planet — Earth .
18 Details of the summer bonanza meeting , on a par with most of the top venues in the United Kingdom , were outlined at a House of Sport Press Conference today where it was revealed that for the first time the meeting will be held on a Saturday night ( 6pm start ) .
19 One of my own patients grew up in a loving family where it was assumed that he would eventually study law — just like his grandfather , his father and his uncle .
20 Their mission complete the men divided into three parties to march to the coast , where it was planned that a submarine would pick them up .
21 Objectives have been defined already in Section 12.1 , where it was stated that priorities are decided by the policy-maker in line with political , social , and other considerations .
22 The rationale underlying the new amendment was outlined by the House Committee Report , where it was stated that :
23 This was the approach adopted by the Divisional Court in Reg. v. Governor of Pentonville Prison , Ex parte Osman [ 1990 ] 1 W.L.R. 277 , 299–300 , where it was stated that the magistrate should reject any evidence which he considers to be worthless .
24 Does this case overrule the authority of The Prince 's Case ( 1606 ) 8 Co Rep 1a , where it was stated that an enactment , even though entered on the parliamentary roll , would not be an Act of Parliament if assented to by the King and the Lords , or the King and the Commons , as the assent of all three is necessary ?
25 At the other extreme was a father and son dairy farm where it was claimed that each was working 110 hours per week .
26 The result is very different from the ideas expressed in chapter 6 , where it was suggested that one of the many results of the rise of material culture as a mode of cultural form was its ability to multiply and keep apart a plethora of hierarchies and diverse spheres .
27 The issue of direct application of Directive 76/207 has more recently been debated in the European Court in the case of Foster v. British Gas [ 1991 ] 2 WLR 258 , where it was held that provisions of a Directive which were capable of having direct effect could be relied upon by bodies made responsible by the state for providing a public service under state control where such bodies held –special powers ' in relation to such a function .
28 It was not however accepted by the Court of Appeal in Peter Andrew Russell where it was held that the conversion of the salt ( cocaine hydrochloride ) into the base form amounted to production .
29 Reliance was placed on Director of Public Prosecutions v. Ellis [ 1973 ] 1 W.L.R. 722 , where it was held that the fact that two accused persons had been prosecuted to conviction did not mean that the purposes of Part I of the Act , namely securing compliance with and detecting evasion of the Act , were spent ; and that accordingly it was still open to the authorities to employ their powers to obtain information relative to the same transaction from another person .
30 Where an application to transfer a licence on a change of person with day to day responsibility is lodged out with the eight week time limit , see Argyll Arms ( McManus ) Ltd. v. Lorn , Mid-Argyll , Kintyre and Islay Divisional Licensing Board , 1988 S.L.T. 290 , where it was held that the board required to hear the application outwith the eight week period despite the provision that the licence ceases to have effect .
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