Example sentences of "[subord] it have [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 I felt the side of my head where it had hit the bus shelter ; a bruise was forming and my eye felt sore .
2 The second hand had stopped where it had met the pin inserted near the 55-second mark .
3 Where it 's got the , it 's y
4 It was taken by Madeiran emigrants to various parts of the world , including the Hawaiian islands , where it has become the Hawaiian ukelele .
5 The mayors ' plan , targeting $35 billion in fiscal assistance , public works , community development black grants , job training , and low-interest small-business loans , has been taken up in Congress where it has met the famous legislated ‘ wall ’ , which prevents shift of military funds to social programmes rather than to deficit reduction .
6 But the Guinness Mahon decision , although it had saved the company , had introduced a sobering note .
7 Brazil was a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) , but although it had signed the 1967 Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America ( the Treaty of Tlatelolco — see p. 22505 ) it had not signed the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT — see p. 22787 ) , and for this reason had been allowed no international shipments of nuclear fuel since 1978 .
8 The company is almost entirely dependent on Royal Navy orders , although it has built the odd merchant ship of a more complex kind .
9 My second book , although it has used the same idea of telekinetic powers , has a completely different story line .
10 ‘ The economic recovery has restored old fortunes far more significantly , ’ she admitted in this year 's State of the Nation address , ‘ than it has touched the lives of the vast majority of our people . ’
11 As science had gradually eroded the freedom of time , so it had eroded the freedom of belief .
12 Each would be asked to notify the IMF within one month whether it agreed to its share as determined by the IMF ; each successor could formally accede to the IMF once it had met the formal conditions specified .
13 Dealing will start on June 1 , although Phonelink is keen go for a full listing once it has hit the three-year trading minimum .
14 But of all of these , Integrated Pollution Control is the only significant measure aimed at preventing pollution at source rather than dealing with it once it has reached the environment .
15 I am sure that the 7 million or so patients who will benefit from nurses being able to prescribe will be grateful that he has chosen a Bill which will certainly be passed and will certainly — once it has reached the statute book and is implemented — have practical benefits for that many patients .
16 However , there are doubts about how much of the Deloitte client list will be left intact once it has left the international organisation .
17 But with water once it 's hit the f wheel on the turbine , it 's finished .
18 In prehistoric times , if people made the horse feel anxious or afraid it would run like mad until it had seen the last of them : it fled from the problem , which reduced his fear and anxiety .
19 At a civic reception that evening Chapman announced that the club would not be satisfied until it had won the League Championship .
20 The idea of ‘ care ’ has been carefully nurtured until it has become the hallmark of solid acceptability , the key to political creditworthiness , and the disability industry 's SDI designed to shield their programmes of social control from criticism .
21 It then works its way back through all the calls until it has completed the final multiplication , when it returns the answer .
22 The period which elapses until a product at the limit of the release specification at the time of manufacture , changes until it has reached the limit of the check specification , is the minimum shelf-life ; the product which is close to the nominal value at the time of manufacture will continue to comply with the check specification for longer than this .
23 The acquirer should refuse finally to settle the terms of the warranties until it has seen the disclosure letter and disclosure material .
24 Real genes , that encode proteins , are transcribed by an enzyme ( polymerase II ) that has to recognise a DNA sequence outside the gene itself : once it has located that , it will travel along the DNA until it has copied the entire gene into RNA .
25 When it flies away it may be Pursued until it has left the vicinity — as is happening with this beleaguered golden eagle being chased by a group of aggressive ravens .
26 The judge added , at p. 143 , that if Woolwich had not paid there might have been an assessment or a writ ‘ with the result in either case of highly undesirable publicity for Woolwich if it had withheld the very large sums claimed by the revenue to be due ’ and that there was an understandable fear by Woolwich of damage to its reputation .
27 By that time , many more men had arrived , swirling up through the yard to be sucked into the hall , as if it had become the quiet , humming centre of some whirlpool of power .
28 If it had reached the Morvan and had then turned round , but did not make it back to base , then a crash on land or sea is self-evident : if on land , only the agency — the weather , engine trouble , or enemy action — is in doubt .
29 The Leader of the Opposition simply pointed out in an article that he wrote just before the party conference that the proportion of gross domestic product — national income — devoted to education since 1979 had dropped , and that if it had remained the same , the difference would be the figure to which the hon. Gentleman has referred .
30 ‘ And , if it had hit the airliner , Russian lives would have been unnecessarily lost . ’
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