Example sentences of "[subord] of [noun sg] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her rent would have certainly been paid in advance and the rent man , whoever he was , would likely be the only one who would come down here , except of course the child 's uncles , and they must have been hard put to it to resort to this hole .
2 Paula Hamilton is renowned as the actress in the Volkswagen commercial , who storms out of the house and throws away expensive gifts from her lover , except of course the keys to a new car .
3 Although of course the majority of these people are provincials , unused to the presence of a member of the Court .
4 Panels should be mounted in a position where they are least likely to fall into shadow , although of course the movement of the yacht and of the sun will caused this to change constantly .
5 In the absence of such research , Troyna 's confident rejection of multiculturalist strategies can not be sustained , although of course the antiracist argument that teaching about ‘ other cultures ’ does not necessarily give an understanding of the racism of one 's own remains intact .
6 The National Savings Bank has a large branch network in that its services are provided through post offices and sub-post offices , although of course the nature of these outlets differs considerably from those of the building societies or retail banks .
7 Within the marine environment itself some palaeontologists believe that the overall richness of the marine fauna was established early on , say by the Silurian period , and that there has not been a great increase in the total number of species living in the sea at any one time since then , although of course the kinds of organisms inhabiting the sea have changed many times .
8 You need to remind yourself that a visit paid to an elderly relative living alone is a very important occasion , although of course the atmosphere should be relaxed and happy .
9 The differences between the samples ( although of course the numbers are far too small for any quantitative analysis ) can be summarised as follows :
10 I tend to work by this rule : for a big painting I paint very thinly and a small one I use thick impasto , although of course the rule can be broken .
11 I tend to work by this rule : for a big painting I paint very thinly and a small one I use thick impasto , although of course the rule can be broken .
12 There are other uses which do not fall within any of the defined classes and these need specific consent to change to any other , provided of course the change is ‘ material ’ .
13 End up amongst them and the problems are evident , unless of course the wood fairies are smiling upon you .
14 But while there was praise in abundance , there were many people who felt in accord with his objectives and yet could not bring themselves to like the man himself , accusing him of cajolery , ruthlessness and arrogance ; not very pleasant traits for a man to have , unless of course the man has political aspirations !
15 In a problem on criminal law , make no statement as to the law of tort , unless of course the question whether a crime has been committed involves a question of tort .
16 We need a signature one signature on unless of course the company says that two people have got to sign it but you have to find that out .
17 Unless of course the chaps in the secure wing of Rampton Psychiatric Hospital have at least decided that the old boy is an outstanding danger to modern life and pumped him full of Largactil .
18 The contributions attract tax relief at the individual 's highest rate of tax ( unless of course the Chancellor makes changes in next week 's Budget ) while pension funds themselves are also exempt from tax .
19 Unless of course the car had been moved again after Harry had made his unscheduled reappearance .
20 A second-hand car which is not safe to be driven on the road ( for example because the brakes are in such a state that they would fail if the driver had to carry out an emergency stop ) is clearly not of merchantable quality , Lee v. York Coach and Marine ( 1977 C.A. ) — unless of course the car was only sold for scrap .
21 It is often easier to locate the leak with the water in , or by marking the water level at which to search for the leak , unless of course the fault is in the bottom of the pool .
22 The optional words referring to persons under the tenant 's control should be included ( see clause 5.4 ) unless of course the tenant is able to remove reference to such persons altogether .
23 Questions of health or the rights of animals must be regarded sceptically — unless of course the health and human rights of the labourer in the rice paddy or soybean field count for less — which is probably closer to the truth .
24 Er I mean the er it 's er , course there are three orders that we are looking at tonight , it includes the er the third order er in relation not to boundaries but to the registration of overseas er voters to enable them to vote er in this , in this er election within U K constituencies and therefore that 's why the position that Mr David Robeddow as the chairman of Conservatives abroad er in Monte Carlo is relevant , er but also bec because of course the purpose of the European parliament for the first time as it will go through under these new boundaries , now is that they will be able to remedy some of that democratic deficit .
25 You see , and of course when I was at Cambridge , you see , and that was during the Second World War , well of course , you see , I remember seeing a plane because of course the station was a prime target
26 It 's a very costly business , you know , but it must ring true because of course the actuality 's on our televisions screens every other night and if it does n't have an authentic ring to it then people wo n't accept what the picture has to say .
27 erm er it 's very interesting because of course the children grow up probably much more comfortable around people who 've got mental problems than you or I would be
28 Because of course the image you get is bigger all around by what , two pen radii , or one full pen diameter , so a good quarter of an inch .
29 Because of course the county council have
30 And later the dove will speak with a human voice because of course the woman will stop twittering and learn to talk intelligibly .
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