Example sentences of "[subord] the same [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It is believed to be the last living relic of the days when these islands were joined to Europe and the Thames was a tributary of the Rhine , where the same species of snail is still found .
2 The leading peasant made us welcome in one of the peasant houses , where the same sort of ritual took place — long speeches , Chairman Mao , Chairman Hua , jin and mu , but with homely humour thrown in now and then .
3 Paul Devereux has called these lines ‘ geomantic corridors ’ , where the same standards of straightness which would be applied to a traditional ley are inappropriate .
4 The blood that the donor gives up is less precious to her ( social groups in vampires are female groups ) than the same quantity of blood is to the recipient .
5 Nurse managers have a responsibility for the settings in which patients are cared for which is far greater than the same responsibility of nurses at large , simply because they are employed in positions which enable them to make appropriate representations .
6 Even allowing it the benefit of this doubt , our hypothetical small party would be very unlikely to end up with more than the same percentage of seats , 8.4 , as the Irish party .
7 Frequent sugary snacks do more damage to teeth than the same amount of sugar all in one go , so try to limit sugary foods to mealtimes .
8 True , they have feeble strength and toughness , but with three wounds they are more resilient than the same frontage of Goblins or Orcs .
9 I do n't think that he could look after other countries , although the same sort of precedent could no doubt apply for example , the former French prime minister , there 's probably quite a few of them around , could be found to go
10 Although the same group of physicists has found good evidence for the production of B mesons at CESR before , this latest result shows for the first time the explicit decay of B mesons into less-rare , longer-lived particles ( Physical Review Letters , vol 50 , p 881 ) .
11 If the same dimension of each item is measured and a graph drawn of the number of times each value of that dimension appears , as in Figure 7.4 , the result is called the frequency distribution of the variable or just the distribution .
12 If the same dimension of each item is measured and a graph drawn of the number of times each value of that dimension appears , as in Figure 7.4 , the result is called the frequency distribution of the variable or just the distribution .
13 On a crude arithmetical basis if the same proportion of murders were carried out on the mainland of Britain in relation to the population we 'd have had a thousand dead in the past eight days .
14 If the same types of description are used ( name or NP ) , there is a greater likelihood that plural references will be made than if mixed descriptions are used .
15 If the same set of appearances could be saved by each mathematical model , then why should one be privileged as that which corresponded to physical reality ?
16 This is not easy to do since most historians persist in speaking of ‘ The National Government ’ as if the same sort of government ruled from 1931 to 1940 .
17 Would the Minister find it acceptable if the same sort of windfall profits were made by the beneficiaries of the sell-offs ?
18 Progressive taxes have higher substitution effects , and are therefore likely to cause a greater increase in leisure consumption ( i.e. less work ) than if the same sum of money were raised via a proportional tax .
19 This is because the same reading of light must be selected in each part : either both ladies are wearing ‘ undark ’ coats , or both are wearing ‘ unheavy ’ coats .
20 Some can not tell whether people are standing on their heads or their feet , because the same kind of rubbish comes out .
21 It means that the reason there seems to be an association between low social support and vulnerability to neurosis is because the same attributes of personality that make a person vulnerable to depression also make a person see their friends and relatives as unhelpful , whether or not they are around and available to help .
22 CREB LZ competes both CREB/CREB binding ( lane 2 ) and CREB/ATF1 binding ( lane 5 ) whereas the same amount of JUN LZ is not able to compete ( lanes 3 and 6 ) .
23 While the same level of benefit may be claimed by the household , the wife must depend upon her husband for her share of it .
24 Heated in the Montgolfier-style , air would lift about 15lbs for every 1,000 cubic feet of volume , while the same volume of hydrogen could lift about 70lbs of payload .
25 It gave Scottish athletics one of its biggest boosts since the same pair of athletes won gold at the European Championships in Split two years ago .
26 Will he tell us exactly how much public money the Scottish Development Agency has invested in the Stagecoach operation and whether the same level of investment will be available to every bid , including management-employee bids , that is made to buy one of the subsidiaries ?
27 The other area of doubt concerns a question whether the same laws of historical development apply to the whole history of mankind or whether different , simpler laws apply to primitive societies .
28 I wonder whether the same delusions of accuracy exist with things like the Volhard titration and its questions of whether the sliding endpoint is best avoided by filtering off the silver or adding nitrobenzene .
29 But can we then be quite sure that at a later stage , when the same kind of performance has been taken out of the service and then out of the church , the signal is unambiguously to ‘ art ’ ?
30 Screen 3 … but when the same piece of clip-art is used from within Quattro Pro , a map of France appears , which can be moved and resized to suit your purpose
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