Example sentences of "[subord] the [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , the case became representative of the whole thrift scandal , where the newly deregulated savings and loan industry had been pillaged through ruthless speculation and outright fraud .
2 At the end of the Corniche , opposite where the newly arrived barge was moored , was a police post and an army barracks .
3 Because of the workings of the housing market the local working population tends to congregate on the village council housing estate ( where one is available ) , where the closely knit patterns of neighbourly association which were part of the occupational community are retained .
4 Three major divisions can be recognized ( Fig. 3.11 ) ( 1 ) the Southern ( Patagonian ) Andes , extending from Tierra del Fuego northwards to the Gulf of Penas at latitude 47°S where the actively spreading Chile Ridge extends westwards into the Pacific ; ( 2 ) the Central ( Chilean-Peruvian ) Andes reaching from the Gulf of Penas northwards to the Amotape cross structure at the Peru-Ecuador border where the northwestern trend of the mountain belt changes to a northeasterly orientation ; and ( 3 ) the northern ( Colombian-Venezuelan ) Andes , extending from the Amotape cross structure northwards and then eastwards to eventually link with the Caribbean Arc .
5 Overall these indicate that while the rate of victimization recorded in the annual surveys did increase in the 1970s and 1980s , this was at a substantially lower rate ( 1 per cent on average ) than the officially recorded crime-rate ( 3.5–5 per cent average annual increase ; cf.
6 Meanwhile , there are rumours that the single or dual-processor Cobra , currently pegged at under $100,000 rather than the previously estimated $200,000 ( UX No 374 ) , may not ever make it out the door because of overlap problems .
7 For some banks , worried about lending to LDCs , proposed project financings offer the possibility of convertible currencies being generated to service debt payments rather than the previously mentioned programme , or budget loans where no identifiable repayment source exists .
8 The news out of Marlborough , Massachusetts-based fault-tolerant Unix systems builder Sequoia Systems Inc continues to get worse , and the company now says that its audited financial results for the year to June 30 will reflect total revenues of about $65.7m as opposed to the $71.0m previously reported , and that the decline in reported revenues will cause the loss for the year to be significantly higher than the previously reported loss of $860,025 .
9 The reductionist approach was not providing results in cancer research and I thought that something other than the presently known properties of carcinogens had to be involved as a activator . ’
10 At the worst they were little better off than the best paid sections of the working class and at the best they were able to afford a distinctively different education for their children and adopt a lifestyle which aped their financial betters .
11 Most impressive is the ‘ Hestia Giustiniani ’ ( fig. 76 ; the best known copy was long in the hands of the Giustiniani , and the statue certainly represents a goddess , though perhaps rather Demeter , Hera or even Aphrodite than the rarely represented Hestia ) .
12 Little is better than the freshly caught fish or shellfish unpretentiously prepared .
13 He was now nothing more than the neatly tapered ends of corduroy slacks , and a pair of well-worn Canadian hide moccasins .
14 The 601 — to be released in limited quantities by the end of the year — is the low-end desktop offering , a slower machine than the recently announced IBM RS/6000 220 desktop , with a performance rating of 40 SPECmarks and a price tag of $2,000 .
15 After which , I decided to get into the leather producing industry rather than the purely merchanting business and I joined as a director of the main board .
16 Also more significant than the somewhat diminished jubilation for the victories was the ‘ hope and urgent desire that the war can still be ended in this year ’ .
17 One of the greatest fascinations of provincial printing in Britain is the diversity of localities where presses were set up , often , for example , along the line of canals , where labour was cheap and plentiful … another fascination being that this is a relatively unresearched area , its local beginnings in the eighteenth century often more obscure than the highly recorded beginnings of early printing .
18 This is not only the most westerly point of the mainland of Scotland but of Britain also , being further west than the better known Land 's End in Cornwall and incomparably finer , quite unspoilt and free of tourist invasions and commercial enterprises .
19 He has decided that the reason Iago proffers for his villainy ( especially the absurd idea that both Casio and Othello have slept with his wife ) are genuine , if deranged convictions , rather than the dispassionately improvised rationalisations of a mind that can not even account to itself for its limitless evil .
20 This is a superb product , better than PageMaker 1.2 and , on paper at least , better than the long awaited upgrade , PageMaker 2.0 .
21 Although the parameters obtained are analogous to those of graphical statistics their derivation employs the entire grain population and so they are more representative than the graphically derived values .
22 The incident , trivial in itself , of 20 November 1946 , culminated three days later in a terrible bombardment of Haiphong which was a prelude to pitched battles in Tonkin between the Vietminh forces and the French ; and although the usually quoted figure of 6,000 Vietnamese dead in Haiphong may be too high , the ease with which casualties of this order could be inflicted , with a French cruiser joining in at close range , suggested misleadingly that when French forces were fully engaged it would be such a one-sided contest that the Vietminh would learn the appropriate lesson .
23 But although the sensationally styled Calibra sets the trend , it is by no means the only exponent of the field .
24 Although the centrally devised programme which all elementary schools then followed was not abolished until 1926 , the freedom given to state school teachers to devise their own methodology to suit the school 's particular needs was a radical innovation .
25 Equally , although the popularly elected State Duma promised by Nicholas was duly established , the franchise discriminated heavily against peasants and workers , elections were to be indirect , and votes were to be cast and counted by class and property groups ( curias ) .
26 Also , more is understood nowadays about the balance of life within a pool , so the much quoted passage of the father of English gardening , William Robinson , in his classic The English Flower Garden ( 1895 ) scarcely applies now : ‘ Unclean and ugly pools deface our gardens ; some have a mania for artificial water , the effect of water pleasing them so well that they bring it near their houses where they can not have its good effects .
27 It is arguable that the friction between locals and newcomers which has been a common feature of village life in recent years is only a temporary problem brought about by the dislocation of established social patterns which have been hard for the social life of the village to digest , and that once the newly arrived population has either taken over entirely or ‘ settled down ’ to a rural existence many of the initial problems will be reconciled .
28 During an earlier effort the whales — which have been trapped within Scapa Flow for almost five weeks — had been shepherded to within a third of a mile of the entrance , but dived again and stayed at Scapa Flow until the later shepherding effort succeeded .
29 With her gloved hand she rubbed and rubbed until the deeply incised ED/DE emerged .
30 My main concern is what will happen if the worst takes place ?
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